What would you do if you had the power of meta crafting
Make a machine that gives me my favorite powers then erases itself from all of totality and beyond so it can't be used by anyone but me.
You wactg overlord and sword art online yeah its the on the list of what i am doing with it
Build me a powerful mask that would grant me fictional lordship, 4th wall manipulation and potentiality lordship
Find a way to have unlimited intelligence. Then make the next wakanda and take over the world
Same as @Nicholas8293 @Temporal (Zen-El) and @HardwareDakotaverse
Make a machine that would turn me into something like Amazo from DC where I can copy any power be it real or fiction
Make a pill that once I swallow it it would grant me Metapotence
A dimond sword
@AdamSandler420 Very classic! I like it, Picasso. 👍
@Zenotorphis ooooh a nanite adaptoid. Cool
What do you think?