So as I was sitting in my living quarters reminiscing about the good old days. I though of shaman king, it was weird I remember it from my childhood, but didn't really enjoy it. But the spirit stuff was kind cool though, so today I decided to create this post.
All I want you to do is create a character. You see I was thinking about spirits and how they are though to be the embodiment of the different elements throughout media. So I though let me take this a step further, what do I mean what of instead of it just stoping at elements we go higher, I am talking about making them (spirits) the embodiment of other concepts, like death, life, power, the elements, acceptance, disposition, and etc. So all you have to do is create your own character with a spirit. This spirit can be either attached to your soul, an object/weapon/equipment, or you can simply just summon it to aid you, without it being apart of you. But to receive the power of a spirit you have to give up something you love and make a contract with it, but if this contract is broken you will suffer based on the conditions of the contract. I should also note that you can only have one spirit at a time, and know that you do not become the embodiment of the concept that spirit represents, but rather you gain different powers based on your spirit. And the more you get to know your spirit the stronger both of you become. Again I got hella bored and I wasn't in my right mind when I was writing this. Anyways have fun
Appearance (Optional)
Personality (Optional)
Special Skills
How you met your spirit (Did it look for you or did you manage to encounter it?)
Type (is the spirit attached to your soul or is it attached to weapon/object or are you just summoning it?)
Spirit Name
Spirit Appearance
Abilities/Powers Gained
What is your plan for the future (Optional)
@Everyone else who wants to do this.