You fall asleep and find yourself dreaming of a room filled with mirror's. A voice tells you each power the mirror grants:
Space and Time - The grants you space and Time manipulation
Fantasy and imagination - All powers fantasy and imagination Manipulation
Sun and moon - All powers related to the Sun and Moon
Heat and Cold - All powers related to heat and Cold
Light and Darkness - All powers related to Light and Darkness
Nature and Elements - All powers related to Nature and the Elements
The shared weakness all the mirrors have are that you can't use one set powers in excess of the others. (If you've seen it think Shoto from My hero academia)
A lot of these overlap. There's really only 3 option, Time and space, Nature and Elements, and imagination and fantasy. With that being said, i would choose Nature and Elements
@Orbit Newflavor it's permanent for all mirrors but you can increase the duration of using one power only but think about it like this: Shoto in my hero can use cold for awhile before having to use fire cause the cold build up. Same for fantasy and imagination sure you can use fantasy to travel to any fictional world ECT you want but to alleviate the build up of your imagination use imaginative Technomagic or mentrify something of that nature. But using both powers one after the other will help increase the duration of using only one before having to use the other.
Hmm...with fantasy and imagination I probably would be able to create a machine that could metaphysically affect the past so that the weakness wouldn't have any affect on me...