Just as the title says.
I'll join SuperPimp80 and hope he doesn't double cross me. Once I get the power I want, I want to have a team join me. Darkseid, Reverse-Flash, John Constatine and Raven. The Emo squad basically as I traverse throughout the fantiverse with them and rallying up more forces.
If a world of my imagination then my own isekai universe
Won't have to worry about double crosses. I'd prefer to have fewer enemies if possible.
DC to get the creation equation and use the speed equation
Limitless to get some NZT
The strange talent of luther strode to start my road of self-supremacy through the Hercules method
FFF-class trashero to get taught by Mollang, further improving my self-supremacy, using it to remove my human needs, like need of love and companionship
Ben 10 to steal/copy an Omnitrix to get access to alien x and make it my base species, my self supremacy at that point would help with dealing with my 2 new personalities
Naruto to steal a chakra fruit and kill the ten tails and kaguya
One piece to learn Haki and Seimei Kikan
Tensura to get all of the skills I would want
Dragon ball to learn KI, god ki, hakai, creation, and ultra instinct
Rick and Morty to steal the spindle thing with all of ricks knowledge and intelligence
These are some of the things I would do to speed run getting immense power.
Marvel Comics, 616. I'm getting my hands on a symbiote.
Foodwars, I wanna try some of that bomb as food.
1) the world of young justice I would get exposed to the meteorite hours before vandal savage, other humans or the bear gets there making myself a meta human. Hopefully I get the powers I want but that okay I have extra plans oh and steal a bioship right after I learn magic from another verse.
2) marvel kamar taj learn magic, het magical artifact that have chosen me and steal the book of vashanti then go back and steal/bond with a bioship then go to dbz.
3) DragonBall visit Earth (3 wishes). Namek (3 wishes), and the super dragonballs (1 wish) . Make my wishes come true. W1)have unlimited storage, w2) enhanced ability learning that has no limitation. W3) meta summoning w4) Alpha physiology w5) have the power to make my own super dragonballs without negative consequence w6) I know all types of magic and how to use it with ease from every verse. W7) all powers or things that I wished for can never be wished away or taken away for they are now bound to me forever including in any of my reincarnations that includes the objects I taken and put in my storage space.
4) go to the edge of the God of War verse and study it from outside the verse using magic and my summoned object that allows me to be outside any verse and witness world's primordials. Then the gods and study all their powers. Then summon my own basket that collects awesome fruits such as ambrosia, Chakra fruit, peaches of immortality, other fruits that bestows godhood or additional boost to me in some way.
6) exist right outside of our earth verse and study everything have a summoned book that records all of the history and a second summoned book that study my ancestors that self writes the truth. Now when it all over I will return the moment I left. Deciding to put my powers to use I knew that humanity will adapt. So I summon a fog that covers the entre earth and make humans safely fall asleep and trasport back to their home. The modern day machines and technology, will simply disassemble returning back into molecules not leaving earth but returning to it now some other parts such as plastic turned into something natural like flowers or trees. Anyways as the entire earth sleeps the world will be changed to condtions prior to 1491 and to top it off people are the same but are waking up to a world and what it looked like before colonization. This way the only "technology" they see are floating cities but they cant reach it yet. They are busy dealing with dungeons popping up but relearning to live with nature in harmony and they have abilities only within the dungeon but no meta gene. The floating cities are there to take humanity away from earth in case of an end of the world scenario. It also contains the seeds of every plant, the dna of every animal and a metagene stone to allow humans to develop a new metagene as we travel to another world in our current verse.
Go to Aladdin and steal the genie lamp. I will wish for Omnificence, Metapotence and Boundless Inner World.
Go to the Seven Deadly Sins and steal the fountain of youth for immortality.
Go to Dragon Ball and get the Super Dragon Balls (super shenron) and wish to for Absolute Wish, Omnipotent Scale (since he have no limits). Also get the same wishes as @Mysterylobo but instead of enhanced ability learning, I would wish for Autopotence.
Get the Magic Muffin and wish for Complete Arsenal.
Why do all that when you already have metapotence? you can have absolutely anything but omnipotence and omnipotent abilities.
@Nicholas8293 just for insurance. you know, better safe than sorry
What do you think?