After training, our group had some lectures on leading troops. The words gave me the gist, but the writings are still a nightmare. Everyone else was getting it, even Toni the Lunkhead and especially Wren.
Initially, Wren wanted to leave this place, but they gained some insight after talking with actual Elite Forces members. They wanted to be them to access the vast intelligence network to find any leads to finding the way back home. Now having a real reason to join, Wren had been on fire. Thanks to that tea's effect, they gained strength close to Tzecatopian, durability like before I drank the tea, the speed that could keep up to a Dagdagulander, the senses similar to an Einganafallian, and so much more.
One day, after another series of training. Horrui was being her usual self and harassing someone. With her arm fully healed, she sought revenge on Wren. She, "The Ultimate Warrior," wanted to fight "The Ultimate Soldier." My friend declined, and Horrui's response was summoning an energy sword, thanks to her Chosen Métier. She was going to attack them. I had to do something. Wren might have gotten more robust, but Horrui was even more powerful thanks to the tea.
A punch might do it, but she would shove me away or stab me with that sword. It needed to be...humiliating. Something that she cannot live down to force all her attention on me. I snuck right behind her just when she was again denied a challenge and about to force Wren to fight physically. I raised my hand and smacked her rear.
Horrui: "Eep!"
The energy sword burst from its creator's lost focus. Horrui slowly turned around and looked down, and she was pissed. Wren didn't want me to get involved, but I wanted to step in when you mess with a friend. The next thing I knew, I was kicked through three walls until I reached the outdoors. If I weren't enhanced, the second wall would probably break an arm, but now I can stand up just fine. Unfortunately, Horrui stampeded her way to me before Beatus stood before her and used his Defense State-Brawler's Counter, a flurry of manifest fists and feet. This slowed her down, but her anger kept her going before Beatus spun around and caused a tornado of those things, shouting, "Gladiator Alley!" That move knocked Horrui out.
I was in trouble, but at least I could drag Horrui down with me. Wren came in to explain that I was obviously protecting him in my "knucklehead" way. It did not matter; I was still punished by being forced to fix one of the walls during mess hall hours, and Horrui was fixing another one. After that, I went to my room, exhausted and hungry. Wren was there and smuggled some food for me. I thanked him so much, and they were happy to do it. Wren told me to let him resolve his own conflicts.
Pagani: "Put what if you really need my help? How would I know?"
Wren: "How about if I rub my nose like this..."
Wren swiped their nose with thier thumb.
Wren: "...that's when I'll need your help."
Pagani: "Can I do it if I need help?"
Wren: "If you did that, I would curb-stomp anyone who would give you a hard time."
Pagani: "Thanks, Wren."
Wren: "No problem, Pagani-kun."
Pagani: "What does "kun" mean?"
Wren: "It just means close friend."
Pagani: "That's cool, Friend."