Just as the title says.
Just as the title says.
Any limits on the kinds of weapons I can make? Like no Almighty Object Manifestation ones. If there isn't a limitation, I'll just create some Transcendent Absorptive Weaponry then kills gods and yoink their powers.
If there is a limitation, I would create a weapon, similar towards the Omnitrix but more so gauntlet like so it still fits the Weaponary agenda but with it I can scan any sort of Skills, Knowledge & Memories. As the weapon is entangled with my DNA thus making it hard to remove, I could use it subconsciously in order to mimic any sort of Skill I so desire. With enough unlocks of Skill replication, I can choose to upgrade them further if I so desire.
Stand arrows are technically weapons so I’ll make one and stab my self
boots that allow me to increase my speed 10 times, which will temporarily allow me to break the sound barrier and tear the sound itself.
Which causes things like ''the sound is hear it after a few seconds''
I would make a bomb that once it's exploded anyone in it's vicinity (the radius of a grenade) gains immortality and then I'd probably be a hitman or something and my signature would be turning peoples bones into a spear that punctures their heart impaling them or turning their heart into a bomb
I'm thinking about crafting the badass bo-staff with two chainsaws on each end, with detachable features to dual wield. This kind of weapon was inspired and used by Skorge from Gears of War.
I would want to make a katana with a chain at the tip of the handle, so if i throw it i can get it back through the chain or i can extend the chain to attack. I would also make it rain swords and make Gilgamesh references.
Create a weapon that gives me every power I desire.
What do you think?