128 Votes in Poll
Slime is good but Misfit may be more powerful but Overlord has the best system where you could trust the others to follow you. In the ne movie Rimuru even says he allows everyone to speak their mind and while I don't have a problem with that it was clearly shown when people rebelled against Rimuru he just took it. The girls like Anos but there is no reason for them to be loyal. Death March is okay I guess but given the options I can do better. I'd never do Shield Hero it would be way too annoying to deal with in the beginning. Arifureta I mean I'd have to eat monsters and once again nobody has to be loyal to him. I haven't watched Arifureta or Death March in a while but I'm pretty sure there's a tsundere in Arifureta and I don't care for that.
You don't need to do the exact same things as the main characters, you just get their starting powers and stuff. I'm pretty sure Rimuru has the most potential, you just need to get starved from the orc lord and degenerate from shizue, after that you don't need to worry and can just collect some other random skills. great sage would also have access to all of your knowledge and would be absolutely loyal to you, but she does have some annoying moments, with her sometimes hiding stuff from rimuru, but you could give her orders to cut that shit out.
Yeah, I know but I'm basing what I have on what they have and if I was Rimuru I'd have to act different to ensure they are more loyal but that may not work and they may just leave which would be fine if I didn't have the option of Overlord and with Shield Hero I'll be upset no matter what I do and the others just don't have the same zing as Misfit, Overlord, or Slime to me.
Well, they are connected to your soul through the giving of a name, and it's very rare for any of them to betray you unless you do something bad, which may be possible since we aren't as nice and kindhearted as the OG Rimuru, so we might not be able to get the same opportunities he did.
There was the time the Orc Disaster killed the guy who named him and was trying to turn him into a demon lord. Also, I can't promise any behavior good or bad although even in Overlord I may be expected to do certain things I feel I could get away with more by explaining may actions as beyond their understanding as I am the Supreme Being who ruled the other Supreme Beings.
The orc disaster is weird since he was berserk at the time because he was evolving and because of his race, also the one who gave him his name was a disgusting bastard.
Yeah, well there was the time Clayman sent one of his subordinates to invade Rimura's Federation and then the human protected her practically betraying Rimuru if I was Rimuru I would not allow that but what happens because of it who knows. There is also the guy who poured beer on him who just gets to live there now too I wouldn't go along with that Rimuru is way too nice letting all these kings come and test him when none of them have proved any worth too him in the same way Rimuru is always proving himself but never really doing anything himself. Also all those monsters he named were willing to let him name them If I was Rimuru I don't know if they'd like me that much.
@Nicholas8293 The title is in the web novel
I chose the that times i got reincarnated as a slime because of the prediture skill
What do you think?