This excludes levels of magic like Meta, Omni and Almighty.
Or be a Combination of the Two
Technomagic is pretty cool . You got the best of both worlds .
Reality Magic
I would have Magicks based on Vitality, Realization and Celestial Forces.
That is Almighty level magic, isn’t that kind of cheating?
@Obiwanlovenumber69 Arcanepotence is NOT a FORM of magic. The title says, "If you could have any form of magic from Absorption to Zodiac, which would you choose? And why?"
Well, technically it is magic, but it’s not the kind of magic for this list!
@Heartz13 It's magic, obviously, but not a form of magic.
There is Magical Powers and Form of magic categories.
So, its a High Scale of Magic
What do you think?