Since on an Omnipotent Level I can achieve absolutely anything and everything . I'll even make the brothers death into one of my servants . I'll also use it to achieve totality embodiment . The fun part about absolute wish is that you can make perfect wishes for example making a Hershey's chocolate bar that will not only satisfy you but it'll also be the best tasting chocolate bar in existence and It won't ever run out and it could also have supernatural properties like taking you to heaven if you eat it . I could also get every power on the list above just by wishing for it . But it was a tough choice since I love almighty magic but absolute wishes are just amazing . I could even wish to have cosmo and Wanda from the fairly odd parents or a friendly version of SCP 682 to be my pet .

Or... Wish to have the powers of captain atom who's a physical god along with the plot armor of bugs bunny , the regeneration and adaptability of SCP 682 ,the speed of the flash ,the intelligence of prime rick and all the abilities of the scarlet king and sephiroth .