1 - I never really understood the bit of altering the perspective of anything that wasn't sentient. Although it's like you said above its probably similar to how Meta Variable Manipulation does its thing.
As for what it would do I assume they change how reality/existence "views" the object as well as how the object "views" itself or maybe by changing how the object "views" itself they enforce the new "view" onto reality. Assuming neither of those have sentience, I think "viewing" is just a placeholder that allows us to express/describe the aspects and attributes of the aforementioned entities.
By changing how a rock "views" itself you change the rock itself. Similar to how you can change the rock by changing how you view it. It can go from being a naturally occurring inorganic material to being an artificial organic material while still retaining its identity as a/that rock or changing it to being a synthetic material which it now fits the description of.
I'd honestly just change my own perspective of an object if I wanted to change it. You might also have to use Perspective Designing to give the object a perspective if it doesn't already have one.
Ooo or maybe the perspective of an object is the collective sum of every perspective that others have on it or at least the commonly accepted one.
2 - I think creating a new perspective gets all its power from the ability to have that perspective enforced onto reality. Since whatever opinion/attitude the user has becomes reality, the creation of new perspectives creates new things that become a part of reality or define it.
As for what happens they all become a new truth that reality must conform to.
3 -In the first case I assume it gives something the ability to exist outside of everything and in turn view absolute everything.
In the second case it gives them the same ability as the first one except the ability to exist outside of everything as the only thing that was changed is the "location" of their perspective. So, they can see all of existence kind of like a bird's eye view of everything. However, they themselves don't exist outside of everything only their attitudes/views on everything. (If they were their own perspective, they would then obviously exist outside of everything)
4 - Same as the above, changing your perspective to exist on a higher plane would probably only let you view that plane and everything below it. However, as your perspective is absolute it also lets you freely control everything in that reality. The same for the second scenario in question 3. If you existed as your perspective (idk Perspective Physiology) then you would exist on a higher plane but if you were an entity that wasn't a perspective, then it just allows you to view and control higher planes. In my opinion normally a lower existence wouldn't be able to even comprehend higher planes of reality let alone control them. When shifting your perspective to a higher plane you gain the ability to comprehend that higher plane as well as complete control over it.
As for SCP they would have full control over narratives below their current narrative as well as full control over their current narrative as they can have a view/opinion on it. It's actually a pretty cool cheat for the SCP verse normally you're limited to treating lower narratives as fantasy but with this you can even treat your current narrative as fantasy.
Idk if those answer all of them but ye thats my thoughts on it. I'm too lazy to reread all that and check for mistakes so lmk if you find ones that you can't figure out.