You have gained the power
However you can only use it once and connect one fantasy world that you come up with. Once you do that then the worlds are merged forever. So use this power wisely.
You have gained the power
However you can only use it once and connect one fantasy world that you come up with. Once you do that then the worlds are merged forever. So use this power wisely.
Isn't there something about angels coming in every once in a while to destroy civilization and reset all tech? I think it's also sped up by technological progress, so they could start descending right after or a little time after the merging.
Since when did connecting and merging have the same meaning?
It would be World Merging | Superpower Wiki | Fandom
Interesting ... I already have a plan . Since I can only use it once I'll use a fantasy that will truly count . It will be monster girl encyclopedia 10000000% ,I'm definitely going to have fun with this . I'm sure my family would be pretty shocked that I somehow managed to merge both the fantasy world and reality but I wouldn't care . It would be so worth it to finally get my loving cupid girlfriend and spend the rest of my eternity with her and also I'll combine some elements of the fantasy world like it having personal paradises for each person which would not just be me but the rest of humanity . Every Lonely Heartbroken Guy would get their own monster girl gf that would adore them forever . Just in case something outside the plan happens like a godlike entity tried to intervene ,I set up an absolute wish object that can only be used by me ,just In case . Not only that but also Magic itself from the Mge verse can be accessed which would greatly benefit our world . Our World would be transformed into a demon realm where monsters and humans can live together in harmony . I wouldn't want anything to ruin my vision for the world so if anyone tries to stop it ,that absolute wish object would prevent anything bad from happening that could ruin my plans . Also the Goddesses of the mge verse would also influence our world . So it'll be interesting . I can't wait to see what would happen .
I'd connect the world to a fantasy world, in which the Omnitrix literally falls near my house, somehow.
The MGE verse is only good for the guys, the women are all forced to be sluts ruled by desire and pleasure, it's basically a degenerates wet dream.
Yeah but I am pretty sure @Nyarlathotep99 got that problem solved right? Since you will make sure the humans in general stay safe and you have an absolute wish object to fix that problem.
Nothing states that would stop it, just that it would stop gods and people from messing it up.
The most disgusting one is probably the mummy curse that forces women to have a constant desire for sperm and pleasure, while also altering their minds and bodies, it's so easy for a pharaoh to just randomly curse a woman and term them into one.
Yeah @Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O I have everything under control . The absolute wish would be mostly for fixing any potential issues that may occur for when humans interact with monster girls since we still have problems like sociopathy in our world and the last thing I want is for a sociopath or a narcissist or violent murderer to hurt a monster girl . I would use absolute wish to fix absolutely any problems that might ruin my paradise . I wouldn't want monster girls to be mistreated either so that's what absolute wish is for .
What do you think?