Mine is 1. GER
2. MIH
3. WoU
God damn, how the fuck did this happen?
Why did you post this like 6 times
1. D4C
2. Star Platinum
3. Killer Queen/King Crimson
Killer queen
1. C-Moon
2. The Hand
3. Heaven's Door
4. D4C
5. Killer Queen
6. Wonder Of U
7. Made In Heaven/Whitesnake
8. Golden Experience Requiem
9. Tusk Act 4
10. Soft and Wet
I'm a huge jojo fan
Killer Queen
Diver Down
Stray Cat
@AshAndrewFlame you sir are a man of culture.
Weather Report/Heavy Weather
Heaven's Door
Love Train
King Crimson
What do you think?