Monkey D Luffy
Cosmic Manipulation I got
Love Solidification, rip.
Depending on how powerful the constructs are, you could possibly win.
I got [Unity]
Yeah, now that I think about it, I could possibly create the construct inside his head and kill him that way.
If its dependent on the amount of love around me then gg I lose, but if it isn't then I stand a decent chance.
Dimensional Telekinesis - Interesting
Ima see what the first letter of my real name gets me wish me luck.....
I got zap........maybe it would work? no wait he is a rubber person and i doubt i could output enough power in one burst to beat him it would take maybe 9000 i do not think i can beat him
I’d honestly do better using my regular hands and a knife
Do i even need to explain how it’s going to go down?
What do you think?