Name: L16HT-90
Alias: Light
Personality: A neural network that failed to follow through with it’s first protocol, causing a malfunction, the AI absorbed the soul of the creator, and now attempts to achieve it’s goals. It cannot verbally communicate, however it only protects one individual, the child of it’s creator. Many wizards and such have seen what resembles a “soul” within the robot.. Pieces of it’s creator scattered within himself. It can understand verbal communication, however any attempts for it to respond verbally ends in a deafening screech, possibly due to the fact it was unfinished and partially destroyed during Protocol 1
Morality: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: N/A (Reffered to as a He/Him)
Sexuality: N/A
Likes: It cannot “like” anything. However they seem to have a positive reaction to chants, lukewarm temperatures, and bright lights
Dislikes: Any threats towards their creator’s daughter.
“Pitch Black”
Can induce temporary or permanent blindness in other beings and greatly hinder opponents by taking away one of their most important sensory abilities.
”And I’ll Come To You Without A Second Thought.”
Has a much more advanced level of awareness than an ordinary person, and while ordinary people only notice things in general, they notice in detail. For this reason, users can plan and implement strategically and tactically what they should decide and how they should act, without missing anything. Has an increased sense of awareness far above those of the user's species, often to the extent that few, if any, little details miss their notice. In his case he is constantly aware of threats to her creator’s daughter or anything that my scare her, and will use lethal force
“No Home, No Rest, No Hope.”
It becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they protect their creator’s daughter, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers, as soon as his brain detects that the Daughter is scared by something or in danger, even if it’s itself, it will chase and hunt it down to kill it and protect the daughter. Even if it’s just a bee sting or something, he will attempt to obliterate every single bee. He can be reasoned with however.
“The Border Of The Circle”
He can manipulate pure psychic power: a form of specialized psychic energy focused on raw power alone or the source of it.
“You Can’t Feel A Tender Warmth”
It possesses the traits, attributes, characteristics and/or abilities of machines, including robots, cyborgs, androids, etc. However due to being damaged and malfunctioning, he can essentially use traits that malfunctioning machines would have (I.E creating explosion, electrocution, etc)
It can be destroyed, and will often find a way to destroy itself if the daughter is scared of it.
After his death, Mercutio Cerc was scared. Not for himself or what came afterwards nonono.. He was scared he could not protect his daughter. So, he possessed a robot he had created, essentially rejecting the afterlife to look after his daughter. Although she will never know her father was protecting her instead of resting peacefully.
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