You see a figure in the distance dressed in a white hoodie, black skinny jeans. Even though your good distance away, (im terrible at judging distance using meters) you can see the haunting pale white face of Jeff the Killer. Who begins running towards you at high speed
Your task?
Survive 365 days in a world where ALL Creepypastas exist.
You have been given the following powers to survive, yet you heavily lack experience using them (for obvious reasons)
Biological manipulation
Chemistry manipulation
Chaos manipulation
Classical element manipulation
Emotion manipulation
Environment manipulation
Fundamental forces manipulation
Illusion manipulation
Life and death manipulation
Matter state manipulation
Mental manipulation
Nature manipulation
Order manipulation
Physics manipulation
Portal creation
Probability manipulation
Quantum manipulation
Reality warping
Regenerative healing factor
Sense manipulation
Solar and lunar manipulation
Space-time manipulation
Technology manipulation
Thermal manipulation
Twilight manipulation