Name: Lilith Damini
Species: Pseudo-God
Age: 22(Physically), 400(Chronologically)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He, him
Sexuality: Acesexual
Personality: The thrill of the battle, the pain it brings, and the blood it spews, he loves it all. Lilith is what one could describe as someone who lives to fight strong opponents that's ultimately bored or left unsatisfied by day-to-day life who is a thrill-seeker to the extreme calibers.
Even if a battle isn't going his way or his life is in mortal danger, Lilith relishes the challenge. Despite this behavior, he is respectful outside of battle, although this respect is not real since only those who have given Lilith his desired stimulating battle are truly respected by him.
World Tree Vigor Ability: N/A
Magical Powers:
[Electrified Mana]
His mana has the undiscovered condition of automatically converting into electricity, therefore putting his body in a constant state of electrification. Furthermore, his electricity happens to be more potent than traditional magical lightning due to it coming from directly the pool of Mana hence the purple shade of his lightning.
Lightning Discharge: Through discharging his lightning, Lilith can manifest essentially a vile of electric armor for a short burst or prolong the burst to coat himself in weaker lightning.
Flowing Current: In delivering deposits of electricity into his muscle, Lilith can stimulate the nerves to amplify both his strength, reactionary speed, and perhaps even the mind itself.
Lighting Punch: By focusing the electric current to flow throughout his arm, he is able to produce lightning from out his arm which has the added effect of burning or shocking people he makes impact with.
Convergent Lightning Punch: could be considered an upgraded Lightning Punch where instead of simply having electricity course through his arms, he focuses it into a single point before releasing it at once.
Indra: Gathering the lightning coursing through his body into his palm, Lilith creates an orb of pure lightning before sending it high into the clouds, dispersing it there to obtain a limited sense of weather manipulation in where he'll be able to call down lightning, a downpour, or hailstorm as he pleases.
"Maria": The remanent of his lover's soul that has remained as a part of Lilith in spite of Maria's passing, who now serves as both an external source of Mana, key to unleashing Lilith's full strength, and assistance in battle while able to act independently but choosing to act by Lilith's commands.

Arsenal Storage: countless battles won has allowed Lilith to claim ownership of numerous weapons from their previous, deceased owner but commonly keeps these weapons in storage inside of Maria's ribcage.
Sky Solidification: In turning the sky into a tangible surface, Maria can manipulate space to an extent, similar to how a lens creates a distortion. If Maria's fully formed, Lilith could use this ability as well.
Maria can be killed for a time, leaving Lilith for a time without any assistance or general boost in strength should Maria be killed in a sense.
Having something as simple as lightning resistance can greatly diminish the number of tools he has at hand and will either force him to fight physically or depend on Maria for help.
For Lilith to summon Maria to his side completely, he'll need to put on the ring once worn back when Maria was alive otherwise, he won't obtain any of the boost given.
Even if Maria is partially manifested, Lilith won't get any of the benefits since it needs to be Maria fully formed strictly, not partially formed.
Solidifying the sky doesn't mean it can do anything offensively wise, it can purely perform defensive or supportive feats, but no offensive feats.
Lilith's love for a challenge can sometimes result in him no summoning Maria either until Maria's remanent gets in the way or he's sustained enough damage to not be able to use his full strength.
This should be common knowledge, but anti-magic is a heavy burden to how much lighting he can produce since it'll halt his Mana conversion into lightning along with weaken the lightning.
Special Weapons: Lilith is an exceptional fighter in spite of never receiving proper training from no one. Nonetheless, he prefers close combat to overwhelm his opponent with flurries of strikes supplemented by electrified Mana and even while armed with his pole, Lilith will openly engage in unarmed striking simply because he finds it more fun than striking over the foe's head with his pole.
Background: Lilith is a simple person with a simple backstory who wants to fight the strongest, and from youth he wanted to fight only the strongest opponents to fulfill this near-crazed lust for fighting, however, after encountering Maria, he, for a time, became peaceful from meeting Maria.
This desire to fight though came back once her passing from old age, this eventually brought him to conflict against one of the sons of Thor upon saying he'd join only if that son of Thor gave him a worthwhile battle, and a worthwhile battle he was given before happily accepting to join the cause after his defeat.
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