Because there's already a power known as eldritch energy manipulation,I'm thinking that would make this power and that one complete . I'm already thinking of users such as the great old ones from the Cthulhu Mythos because Cthulhu's statue from the original book that started it all was implied to be made out of otherworldly eerie material . For the applications it would have exotic law manipulation due to the material functioning off foreign laws of physics and reality and possibly originating from a completely alien dimension beyond the boundaries of our universe or from the unknown darkness between the stars. Also the great old ones are said to be made of not flesh and blood or any known material in the universe because they aren't from our universe. This power will also have madness inducement because this material doesn't function off the same rules as our universe so it may be incomprehensible to the human mind or it may give off this feeling of "wrongness" to it . So this ability might evolve into eldritch being manipulation but then again it probably won't since some eldritch abominations are made of inconceivable nothing, paradoxes, abstract astral energy, or extra-dimensional exotic matter or even stuff that isn't matter like primordial darkness or the stuff of primordial chaos that originated everything in existence . Some eldritch beings are even made of well everything across the totality of existence or don't even have a physical body and other times they manifest through foreign material not of this world or as ethereal light or even corpses .
@Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O @Abdalla1234 @Scarlet king999 @Timetravler7 @HardwareDakotaverse @Elixirr and others feel free to reply .