Why the fucc can there be many omniscient being but only one omnipotent being ? Like with omniscience i should know how to get at least high end nigh omnipotence
Why the fucc can there be many omniscient being but only one omnipotent being ? Like with omniscience i should know how to get at least high end nigh omnipotence
Who knows but if it's my guess you might find some Omnipotent beings here .
the problem lies in humanity's thought that there can only be one omnipotent, this is influenced by Christianity in fact in Greek mythology the Olympians were omnipotent, the problem is that if you are omnipotent if there was another of the same level it wouldn't make you so because there is another who can change, cancel or influence your power, having someone who can counter you means that you are not truly omnipotent (at least on a logical level),
if you see it from another point of view, omnipotence is also a thing about perspective, pretend you were born in a barbaric world and you can control nature, in that world you are omnipotent because for them nature is everything, so you can consider that you are omnipotent, even many lesser powers can give you an omnipotent aspect to certain types of beings, even you could consider yourself omnipotent due to your experience and have no problems, (hope you understand what I mean) so omnipotence is also a type of perspective
Basically these are omnipotent derivatives.
This isn't due to some weird idea of Christianity, it's due to logic:
If there were 2 omnipotent beings they'd be able to interfere with one another, and thus they could stop eachother's actions, making them clearly not omnipotent.
This makes little sense if you remember that failing is something that can be done, and thus an omnipotent being inherently must be able to fail.
On the other hand omniscient means knowing everything, something that isn't influenced by how much someone else knows. How would it create a logical problem? It just can't.
What do you think?