111 Votes in Poll
Maybe Omniarch but Abeolute Invincibility is just on crack
Absolute Invincibility is one hell of an ability, Omniarch as well
So Absolute Invincibility is good, of course, being literally unbeatable and potentially (depending on your interpretation of it) meaning you can do anything by either challenging yourself to do it, taking a bet or something that you can, or just by virtue of being 'unbeatable' even to the laws of physics, logic, etc. Still, it feels somewhat to me like it is a 'loophole', for lack of a better term, and so I prefer other powers (also, losing can be fun too, winning all the time would get boring - though I suppose I could just challenge myself to make the power selective in nature).
Omnilock is interesting in that being outside of absolutely everything would include all laws, logic and limitations, thus allowing you to essentially do anything whilst in that state of Omnilock. Now, the obvious potential downside is that you might be stuck outside of everything or have some adverse effects due to existing/being present outside of everything. Perhaps you exist outside of your own self/personality/identity/etc, though if those things are included in ‘you’, then if ‘you’ are present outside of everything then you should retain those things unless you choose otherwise. And then the thing of maybe being stuck outside of everything should be mitigated by the fact that it includes existing outside of limits, logic, etc, so should be able to exist within totality whilst also being present outside of everything, or project themselves into totality, or something like that to allow them to experience being within totality without giving up the advantages gained by being present outside of everything.
Existential Distinction is similar. It is the power to be distinct from absolutely everything – the definition of ‘distinct’ I’m using is “clearly separate and different”, as this seems to fit best with the nature of the power. This means that you would be separate from all laws, logic and limitations, allowing you to do anything in a similar manner to how Omnilock does. However, if we’re taking this as completely literal, then this would entail being distinct from humanity, your own sense of self, personality, identity, etc, and otherwise being fundamentally distinct from all concepts and comprehension except your own (presumably), by default making the power and its user completely impossible to comprehend and nothing like anything we could think of. Having said that, if we focus more on what is described as a key attribute of the power in its page description, one that is possibly even (based on the wording) the underlying cause of its capacity for distinction, then it might work in a different way: “The reason for this eldritch disposition lies with their ability to forgo, include, and deny every physical/metaphysical concept, law, and substance made (or will be made) by anyone or anything (most of all by a supreme panentheistic being) and remain independent of them”. This can be taken to mean that the user is capable of choosing to go without anything/everything, include anything in themselves or themselves in anything, and deny anything/everything from affecting them, meaning they can simply decide not to be a part of totality, or not to be affected by physics or logic, and face none of the consequences that would normally come with such a thing (especially the latter two) for a normal person, to whom suddenly lacking something like physics, logic, the structure of reality, etc, would have terrible consequences. In this sense, Existential Distinction could be seen as the ultimate expression of choice, and the highest degree of freedom. With this interpretation, Existential Distinction ties with Omniarch for me in this poll, possibly even surpassing it, though going off the initial interpretation (just being distinct from everything), I probably wouldn’t want it due to the uncertainty involved with whether I would retain my humanity, identity, will, self, etc.
In this sense, Omniarch is a surer pick in my mind. It is the state of ruling absolutely everything, literally being lordship over totality. You make anything happen simply by commanding it to (either verbally, mentally, or simply via a gesture or an act of will), and you are likely free from everything in the sense that, no matter what it is, you rule over it so it would not make sense for you to be bound by it in the same way a normal person would be. Your authority will always exceed the authority of anything and everything else, thus affording you the capacity to override all laws, deities, and so on, simply by trying to do so. The main issue with Omniarch is that it raises questions regarding the existence, or lack thereof, of free will. However, as one who rules over absolutely everything, it would be simple enough to just declare ‘let there be free will’, and there will be. In other words, the main potential issue with Omniarch, which doesn’t even affect the user, is easily and instantly rectified by a simple use of the power, and there is little doubt that the user would be in a state in which they could do so.
Because of this, unless Existential Distinction is guaranteed to not result in me losing myself, my humanity, identity, personality, etc, then I would default to Omniarch. Existential Distinction is more interesting to think about, but I think that Omniarch is a safer choice, simply because there is less ambiguity regarding the user’s state upon gaining the power. If it is guaranteed, however, then I’m less certain which I would pick.
So yeah, that’s kind of my thoughts on this. Still not entirely sure between Omniarch and Existential Distinction in the end. What do you think?
@AzQth question: wouldn’t your opinion on not choosing Absolute Invisibility be the same as Omniarch? Think about it, with Omniarch you can’t lose either since you rule over Totality & everything in it.
I def think that Existential Distinction would make you more Eldritch, whether that be a good or bad Eldritch. The safe one if you wanted to be Outside of Everything would def be Onnilock for i believe you can still be you.
@Keefdreewill I would argue that trying to win at something isn't the same as commanding yourself to win, or anything like that, which I think would be necessary for Omniarch to result in a state where you can't lose whatsoever. If you still want there to be a chance you will lose, then there will be, whereas with Absolute Invincibility, the whole point of the power is that you can't lose.
@AzQth so your saying since Omniarch essentially has a option mode because you would have to command for that, you’d prefer that as opposed to the automatic like Absolute Invincibility?
@Keefdreewill I'd say so. Even if, initially, reality/probability/logic/etc is changing to make you win no matter what, you can just tell it not to, and it will stop. It's not really a fundamental part of Omniarch to have everything make you win all the time. On the other hand, if you were to use Absolute Invincibility to make it optional, you're essentially denying the underlying nature of the power. You could still use it, of course, but it kind of feels a bit redundant to take the power if you then have to change it on that level just to be ok with having it.
@AzQth I understand you now! Funny cause I picked Absolute Invincibility haha
What do you think?