148 Votes in Poll
It isn't just a matter of power, but of cosmology too.
It's no use Golb having various haxes if Franklin Richards can match entities that have a way higher power-level than Golb.
Golb is multiversal at max, while Franklin Richards can literally defeat entities comparable to Beyond ER (who's an infinite dimensional being).
Am gonna have to agree with @RyanKraftBR here, franklin just outscales too much that it overpowers any feat GOLB has ever shown unless you got a feat for GOLB and his immortality being Outer Or Smth Lol. As for the "Galactus is just marvel's punching bag" thats just flat out wrong, though I agree bro gets folded up thats really only when hes not at full power or the Superhero unlocked a god-like form Regardless, the Galactus I used is at full power and is much higher then golb. Now for the best part "she also easily defeated Franklin Richards with little effort" This is not even true she herself stated that she needed to wait until Franklin Lost his powers before she was even going to try.
Well damn he got defeated mid sentence. 😂
was heavily implied to be a threat and likely far stronger even then keep in mind this is not a adult franklin, even then nothing you sent proves the griever at the end of all thing scales to Ck Lmao
Ex: due to the fact she was specifically waiting for his powers to end, while not viewing someone like Owen Reece as a credible threat , and didn't dare confront him until after his role was done as "The Shaper" Also, So not only is that weaker Franklin but also not Even A Full Powerd Adult Version, btw You Never Scaled GOLB To Any Of their Levels
Both chaos king and the griever are threats to their multiverse ,both are infinitesimal aspects of oblivion and both are described as entropy personified and the inevitable end of all things . It can't get more obvious than that . What you sent me didn't necessarily prove that Franklin Richards was a threat, implications don't count unless it's already confirmed . Remember that it's in Oblivions nature to desire the end of all things . The only reason she waited is because she knew franklin's power would run out eventually ,making it easier to end everything. If someone's going around making universes it would be like someone's making a mess as you clean up. In this case it's the griever who's trying to clean the mess . Do you understand?. Yes Franklin has bested the celestials but he's just a mortal with godlike powers . Franklin may outlast everything but he's just as finite as everything else while oblivion will remain long after the whole marvel multiverse had ended . The only way Franklin would even stand a chance against the griever would be if he has the ultimate nullifier with him and even then it doesn't guarantee she'll be truly gone because anything erased automatically goes to oblivion .
Are you guys now discussing something unrelated to the post?
Again, both being threats to the multiverse does not at all prove any scaling to each other since its like comparing a child to an adult. Both can easily kill an ant, but that doesn't mean there are same footing unless you have scaling or feats getting him there doesn't matter how similar they may seem. Also, the whole second part of your refutation is assumption with no proof( you did not send any scans to back it up so its a 50/50 equation interpretation so your argument doesn't go through) Regardless the franklin that was one shot was weaked meaning that She doesn't scale off him. She had to wait for Franklin to lose his powers, and she also called it his "reign," which can be defined as possessing or exercising sovereign power, in this case being the multiverse. Also stop down playing him to a "mortal" that doesn't weaken him at all he still has the scaleing to win.
At this point I would agree its unrelated to the post due to him no longer arguing for GOLB rather than the griever.
What do you think?