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Again, both being threats to the multiverse does not at all prove any scaling to each other since its like comparing a child to an adult. Both can easily kill an ant, but that doesn't mean there are same footing unless you have scaling or feats getting him there doesn't matter how similar they may seem. Also, the whole second part of your refutation is assumption with no proof( you did not send any scans to back it up so its a 50/50 equation interpretation so your argument doesn't go through) Regardless the franklin that was one shot was weaked meaning that She doesn't scale off him. She had to wait for Franklin to lose his powers, and she also called it his "reign," which can be defined as possessing or exercising sovereign power, in this case being the multiverse. Also stop down playing him to a "mortal" that doesn't weaken him at all he still has the scaleing to win.
At this point I would agree its unrelated to the post due to him no longer arguing for GOLB rather than the griever.
Yeah XD
Again ,Implications can be taken any way. It's like implying that Galactus is omnipotent just because he can alter the laws of physics when he doesn't know everything and he has an end just like mortals do . It's all about the context of the situation , Franklin lost his power to create universes so of course the griever would strike. . It's all about Oblivion's goal of making wiping out everything easier. If you think Franklin could defeat the griever that's where you're wrong. It would be like expecting a toddler to fight a hurricane . Franklin is a "mortal" in the same way zeus and all the other so called Gods of the setting are mortal. They can still die in particular circumstances and they aren't so special in the grand scheme of things. Even tho Franklin was "weakened" his power level was still off the charts ,it may not be impressive but you seriously think he can face the personification of chaos itself and win ? The Scaling doesn't truly matter when the rules of each verse are different dude . GOLB predates time , existence and even nothingness . He existed before even the universe when there were only monsters . Ice King's Crown was unable to remove golb from Ooo or cause it to 'disappear', meaning that golb is resistant to or outright immune to reality warping because he's a personification of chaos . According to vs wiki Franklin Richards doesn't have the power to manipulate concepts . So that means he can't truly kill GOLB or even destroy it . Remember it's not about the power level it's about the capabilities of the user. For Example If you had the power to destroy planets to try and kill a ghost you wouldn't succeed and not only that the ghost would possess you and make you kill yourself with your own power . You see what I'm saying ? GOLB is superior to Darren the ancient sleeper who can affect all realities ,which are all infinite . Golb is nigh-omnipresent ,he exists in every crevice where chaos lurks. What I'm trying to say is what advantage does Franklin have against GOLB ? Also don't put words in my mouth , I'm still arguing for the sake of golb but in my own way .
No one said anything about Galactus being omnipotent, but bro is still folding GOLB.
I already proved the griever does not scale to Franklin, and why my implication carries more weight.
Mortal or not, he's still above the griever. Also, even immortals can die under certain circumstances.
The point is Franklin had been weakened, meaning the griever does not scale to Franklin at all.
The personification of chaos or not, if you don't have the scaling to back it up, there's just gonna be fodder.
The scaling of a character is the most important thing when it comes to who would win in different verses or not.
GOLB and his immortals, as I explained, don't scale to Franklin's level, meaning he can just one-shot.
Simply put, Ice King's crown is not on the level of Franklin, who, as I proved, is higher than the whole verse.
Vsbw is not canon to Franklin at all. However, if you need proof of conceptual manipulation (via manipulating the Nexus of All Realities, which was stated to embody concepts throughout its core functioning), magic at its core concept involves concept manipulation, and he has made and unmade magic in a variety of forms in Marvel. Even then, as I have said before, you're gonna have to scale GOLB and his immortality.
"Golb is nigh-omnipresent" even if he was omnipresent That Doesnt Scale Him Anywhere At All Unless You Cn Get The Cosmoogly Higher Then The Scale I Have Agrued For Franklin which at this point Is Higher Then The One You Provided.
Your Not arguing For GOLB at all you never scaled him anywhere and half way through you jumped ship and started arguring For The Grevier Own Way Or Not
If You Still Wanna Argue Franklin vs The Grevier Am Willing To Settle It On Discord Since Your No Longer Agrueing For Franklin Vs Golb.
Also, its quite a hassle to read A Huge paragraph Can You Try To Format It Into Bullet Points lol
Guys guys I moved on from this match up a long time ago. Even though I tend to disagree since feats aren't always needed I will have to say I already remove Golb not because I think he loses but because I don't want to deal with a matchup that is complicated as this ever again.
Nah dude I like my paragraphs and that ain't gonna change anytime soon . Once again you are putting words in my mouth ,I am still arguing for golb . Me supporting the griever is helping to support my case for golb since it proves that Franklin can't best an embodiment of a abstract concept. If vs battles wiki doesn't count then this whole argument of scaling is pointless. Also stop wanking Franklin too hard with all these implications and outliers , most of this "evidence" you sent me is just taken out of context or outliers lol but nice try fanboy. At the end of the day Golb wins and Franklin becomes a Tetris block . Better luck next time .
Nah 4
-Your not even arguing for GOLB, you failed to provide any scale that gets him that high or anything that shows He Scales to the griever so Franklin One Shots Or Wipes Him From Existence
- I already proved he can one shot GOLB
- As for the "implications and outliers" I already proved my interpretation holds more weight then yours so your argument fails to go through and none of what I have shown are at all outlier Franklin Does This Stuff On The Regular and I already provide the Context And Scans
- I Already Had A Refutation Two Times On Why Franklin Can By Pass GOLB's immoraity
- Damn Your Coping Hard That You Lost Lmao how you gonna call me the Fanboy, When you cant even debate your own character and Even Then When You Got Off Topic You Still Got Beaten So Badly You Resort To Pathic Attempts Of Ad Hominem
As The Creator Of The Thread Has Wished Am Gonna Move On From This Discussion And As Always my Discord Is Open
What do you think?