Throughout this world there a people known as linked beings who have the ability to summon creatures known as link companions they are like stand in that they are based of the user's personality/desires and have unique powers, a way they differ is that they are all fully sentient and not only capable of talking with their user but also arguing and going against the user's will.
A link companion's power and form can a variety of things. It could be an innate ability or a supernatural weapon/tool that they summon which isn't exactly a tied to the desire/personality of the linked being but fits the theme that set up for the link companion. a link companion can gain more power but completing harder tasks from the linked being with more effiency and better care but it is still their choice how they want to do the task. linked beings can summon and reabsorb their link companion at any time and can create whatever task they want but they do not have any direct control. A link companion is fully autonomous and can have a completely different form then the linked being. After reaching a certain level of power the linked being and link companion can merge into a more powerful version of the link companion examples: a Young street racer named miles had a link companion named tigerwheel whom was a robotic tiger that could turn into sports cart and a perverted teenage fan of a pirate anime(not one piece just a generic anime) got a companion called captain ruby who was female pirate anime girl with an unstoppable ruby cutlass whom would usually complete her linked beings task of serving him by serving him just on a red hot cutlass.
You are a linked being
What is your link companion what is their personality, appearance and power how well do you get along(you dont have to get along them in fact you can say badly for the comedic potential) what tasks do you make them do how do they complete them and what was your reaction upon getting them