How would my life change if i gained superhuman handsomeness combined with superhuman intelligence & looked similar to this 👇🏿
There’s a lot of guys that are handsome would it means that im more handsome than they could ever be ?
What are the disadvantages , the worst thing that can happen to me & also the fatality ( aka the absolute worst thing that can happen to me)
Also i would be almost emotionless basically im negate my emotions
@Abdalla1234 @Neosaiyan7 @BlackBatman90 @Qwertyjadhfalhwjdgawlaiwb @MarcosV2019 @Ryudoshieru @BlackBatman90 @Ghostboi8887 @Overlord 427 @Richardbewild @SoulyPeachy @SuperPimp80 @KingSpriggan129 @Ludwigkoopa6000 @Manuele9 @Agent Facultas @Scarlet king999 @Rulefiji @Reaper288 @Mortal Reminder616 & others