If I had to choose, without the effects, it would probably be Physical Godhood, but, keeping the IQ at the average level that a human can reach, it will greatly limit its totality.
So, I ended up between Psionic Godhood, Mentifery and Omni-Magic, but if with Psionic Godhood I was at least a teenager, it would be a good choice, eternally young and also powerful, but as a child, no, thanks, I still want to have fun in other ways, with more body contact, if you understand what I mean, so I stuck with Mentifery and Omni-Magic, but ended up choosing Omni-Magic for the following reasons:
I don't mind having my gender/sex changed, I'm actually curious about it, maybe I'll end up liking it, maybe not, but I believe it's the first option, since I even like manga with a genderswap theme.
I could have a much stronger body created by magic, in addition to making my spells continuous, so it would be easier to make barriers when going to sleep, for example. Or even, make it so that I don't need to sleep, then I would be modifying my body beyond normal human condition.
I understand that many of the things I could probably do with Psionic Godhood and Mentifery, however, there is still the detail that magic is much cooler compared to the other 2, and I could probably do magic through my mind, in addition to modifying my mind for something far beyond, with high processing speed and parallel thinking.
Probably, I can understand magic and evolve it much more than Psionic Godhood and Mentifery, also, if it were Pysical Godhood without the limitation, I would go with it because I would know more about the foundations of the universe and manipulate them directly, but although I You can also do this indirectly with magic.
And, ok, I admit, I also enjoy anime/manga with a yuri theme, and no, I'm not talking about someone's name, if you understand, I don't need to say anything else. Yes, you can call me a pervert if you want.