Aww that’s adorable.
@Ghostboi8887 She’s going to be fine, besides she sees things weird all the time.
I give it a 10/10
Captain Weird
@Abdalla1234 @Rulefiji @Reaper288 @Willc7897 @Scarlet king999 @SleepyTact @RyanKraftBR What do you guys think of Demonette’s personality;
Demonette’s generally known for being sweet, intelligent, graceful, and skilled but usually, she sometimes shows aggressiveness when she fights, gets insulted or confronts her enemies. Rather than being a damsel in distress, she’s not a stereotype of princess who needs from guys, which she’s more bold and has a mature attitude, capable of handling herself in the outside world with her skilled demonic axe and powers.
Demonette has a creative and magical side of using her fire abilities to make perfect and talented snow globes which she understands peoples perspective and interest inside of them. An example of her snow globe creations is shown when she made them for Yuki and Cloud’s interest and embodiments of their powers of darkness and natural paintings. A hopeless romantic and daydreamer, Demonette loves romance and frequently is seen lost in her personal thoughts of tragic and demonic romance of different cultures in mythical realms and sighs deeply.
She lives a lifestyle and from royalty of being a free-spirited princess by her father. She poses as a stereotypical spoiled and a odd girl, which her hobbies including hanging out with friends, loving around red roses, shopping, trends, and playing croquet but to her odd personality, which includes her different hobbies chopping with her axe, playing her guitar, let objects fall on her head and play with her demon dogs. Demonette is also and always shown to be relaxed, gentle, noble, and proud.
She’s friendly and kind to almost everyone she meets caring for her friends and enemies. She respects and loves her family unconditionally. In every fight she always shows respect and dignity. Demonette sometimes shows a prim, proper and prissy attitude without being snobbish and snooty like other princesses. She’s also well organized making sure she always looks her best there is nothing out of place in her castle or kingdom. Aside from being calm and relaxed she is always happy and cheerful but is not hyper with her cheerfulness like her mother. Despite her royal status she doesn't let that stop her from having playing or getting her hands dirty.
Despite her royal life and her stunning personality, she’s very nurturing and loving to those she cares for, showing that she shows a romantic yet concern towards her boyfriend Lucifer, opens her own devotion and affectionate motherly side to her own born daughter. Demonette is known for being a responsible and protective demon with a caretaking demeanor to which she has looking after and/or babysitting the Ōkami children.
I like her personality a lot because it shows how she is affected by her royal heritage but is still a nice person and think for herself unlike other demon princesses in other media’s. I would describe her as one of those stereotype breaking princesses like Rapunzil who, yes, is a princess, but is way more than capable of fending for herself. Just two questions, 1. Who is her father? 2. Is this her personality when she’s a baby?
I have no issues with it
I've got to say, I very much enjoy reading your stuff. It's quite well done. Her dad should call her his little angel just for the irony of it.
@Willc7897 Her father is the ruler of the Demon Realm named Satan and that’s her personality as a adolescent.
There are creatures that rule over their own realm.
@2964artworld phew, ok cool, that you for clearing that up, either way though, it’s a great Oc.
What do you think?