The long overdue latest edition to a post anthology i call card/ name summoner in which your world has been infested with strange entities known a label spawn. these entities start out as cards with pictures of them on the front and green font simple names on the back but if left alone for too long they will manifest into a real life version the actual entity on the card. The label spawn's appearance and powers are decide by the name on the back of their card. If a human were to either defeat,
earn the respect/trust or touch the card of a label they will gain the ability to summon that label spawn to do their bidding. people with label spawn are called summoners a summoner can have multiple label spawn at a time and even fuse together.
There is also another type of magic card different from label spawn cards these cards are called label realm card that take any human that touches them into themed dimension populated by sentient label spawn related to the dimension them. Label spawn summoned into said dimensions slowly began to change into a version of themselves more in line with realms theme.
If a human or animal stays to long in the label realm unable to find the portal to earth in the center of the realm they will slowly become a label spawn themed around themselves and the realm they are in if they go back to earth after this has happened they will be split into hundreds of label spawn cards with the entity that they became in said label cards and be scattered across the world. The government has mostly been able to get things under control thanks uniting with native civilizations of the other realms and the governments own use of label spawn
This time around cardbirth has decided to introduce a new type of card the item card which summons label artifacts which are magic weapons/tools/clothes humans and label spawn alike can use to give themselves a power boost and derive resistance to certain attacks however one must be careful as repeated use can lead to either the label spawn taking on the theme of the item or with human them becoming a label spawn that matches the weapon. Item cards can be found in label realms that match the meme of their label artifact but you of course have had some delivered to your door step as always.
The label artifacts delivered to you are:
Clown hammer
Queen’s gown
Maestrom board
Phantom bow
Glacier mace
golden knight sword
Silver brimmed Witch hat
Tactical lasercore chestplate
Tazer bazooka
Taffy zombie virus canister
Fertile rake
Alcohol rune scroll
Regena cake of healing
Jungle Scarab jewel
Light deflector camo gear
Heartwarm staff
You can pick 4 but your character is this scenario is not aware of how the label artifacts work as they are new thing
Which one do you pick do you give them to yourself or to a label spawn what magical abilities do they have and what do you do also how would they change you if you if got careless with them (ps if you don’t have a a deck here’s a link