Guys how dangerous would i be with
And only with it. And im the only one with Superhuman abilities. Im absolutely Evil but i still have all of my negative emotions . All the positive ones are gone. My goal taking over my Homecountry, Becoming Val-Zod & establish a dictatorship in my homecountry then taking over the planet. Who can Stop me.
@Abdalla1234 @MarcosV2019 @Iconicdetroit @Reaper288 @Rulefiji @Neosaiyan7 @Agent Facultas @Richardbewild @BlackBatman90 @Mortal Reminder616 @Manuele9 @Kōko Ēsu @SuperPimp80 @Scarlet king999 @Dinoguy135790 @Rizzuku @Unknownpotency @EarthShaker011 @OtakuRazz20 @Overlord 427 @Xela tabs @Qwertyjadhfalhwjdgawlaiwb & others