How would y'all limit a character with Absolute-level Pathifery and Absolute Immortality? If it is too difficult, you can replace Absolute Immortality with Absolute Self-Resurrection.
We will die
@Xela tabs Hmm?
How can you stop emotions?
@Xela tabs I'm not asking you to find a way to stop it. I'm asking for limitations.
I don't think you can limit those powers,they are called absolute powers for a reason
@Xela tabs It's a hypothetical situation. For this topic, you can indeed impose limitations, as long as they make sense.
No,i don't have any idea
@Xela tabs An example would be that if the user's emotions get out of control, the power could temporarily erase the user.
When you have emotions above some levels you Become dumber and lose control.
You can be manipulated to kill itself.
@LimittlesRealm Like infinite rage?
What do you think?