I've read many times in the comments that the dream part is a metaphor. If that's the case, then how does this work, exactly?
I've read many times in the comments that the dream part is a metaphor. If that's the case, then how does this work, exactly?
If you ever see awared dreams, you feel small part of that power.
Imagine dream where you appear in reality but not know that cause of existence it is you.
You lived whole life but reality collapsed and then you awake .
@LimittlesRealm True, but in this interpretation, the user isn't literally dreaming reality. It is like a dream to them.
Reality is your dream , everything you know to exist is part of that dream . Your mind creates this reality and that reality is your dream . Remember every time you go to sleep you enter the universe of fantasy and nightmares that is your dream and what happens when you wake up ? The dream ends . Essentially with that power you are a god because you control everything and nothing can kill you in that dream because you created it . Now remember that "dream" is reality .
@TheDevil7777 Intriguing. Although I've heard that the dream part is a metaphor for how ridiculously powerful the user is.
I've never seen the interpretation of it being a metaphor before. I always took it literally - after all, the it is explicitly defined as "the power to be the dreamer of reality".
@AzQth Good to see you, my friend! And I understand. If you read all of the comments on the page, there are several where Dybad mentions that it is a metaphor.
Looking through past revisions of the page, it definitely used to be the case that it was explicitly 'metaphorically dreamed' (e.g., see this revision from 2013), but I would say it's less likely a metaphor now. It seems a lot more literal.
@AzQth Interesting! I like that interpretation. Better than sleeping in some void and when you wake up, everything ends and you're alone.
What do you think?