96 Votes in Poll
@SleepyTact How is Conceptual Lordship "the closest to the Throne of the Supreme"?
@Alex8784 What power(s) does it not grant?
I mean like, in terms of authority and influence, it's rather close to Omniarch if you think about it. Given with the range of concepts, both physical and nomological ones or stuff, it's a pretty large domain. The domain of concepts, works as an umbrella, of which many are derived from it.
But that's just what I think, still cool tho
@SleepyTact Can't Conceptual Lordship give someone Omniarch? But yeah, you're right.
For me, Reality Dreaming and Reality Mind feel too lonely, since everything exists in your mind in one way or another. Reality Dreaming is the better of the two as far as I'm concerned, since with Reality Mind, you're consciously imagining everything, and all that exists is what you imagine, so there can't really be any surprises for you, whilst with Reality Dreaming, it's primarily in your subconscious, so even though it exists in your mind, you can still be surprised and things can exist without your conscious knowledge.
Absolute-level Pathifery is just too uncontrolled for me. I don't want to put absolutely everything under the whims of my emotions. It's powerful to have such little control.
So that leaves Conceptual Lordship, which is incredibly powerful in its own right. It can basically do anything simply by manifesting the concept of that thing, and it will always do so perfectly due to possessing absolute authority over concepts. Highly controlled, capable of doing anything, and doing so without the same isolation as Reality Mind/Dreaming.
I'm definitely taking Conceptual Lordship.
@AzQth Understandable! Excellent reasoning and I agree. Although, as always, I'm curious about what you said about Conceptual Lordship, it being able to do anything. And, out of interest, it being "highly controlled". 😀
"Can't Conceptual Lordship give someone Omniarch? But yeah, you're right."
No? That would be trying to usurp or obtain The Omnipotent's Authority, only they have omniarch and no one else can achieve such
@SleepyTact Conceptual Lordship is an Omnipotent power, therefore it should be able to achieve Omniarch. It should be able to achieve everything but Omnipotence.
Hmm.. I was thinking like, that logic can apply for absolutes but for omnipotent stuff, might be a little different
@SleepyTact True. It's a different ballgame when it comes to omnipotent powers rather than Absolutes.
What do you think?