Just as the title says.
I would wish to have absolute intelligence, apathy and Superman’s powers without any weaknesses but on Transcendent and godly level
I would wish to have the powers of my self-insert character, Zander Ennis. He has Scientiapotence, and through that, he is eternal, omnipresent, and omniscient. I would also wish for world peace. No more war. Starvation. Slavery. Torture. Rape. Murder. Homelessness. Disease. I want the world, like SuperPimp, to be healed. To be better. After that, I want all of my family and friends to have successful lives. Then I'll leave peacefully with my wife.
1. omnipotence
2. arcanepotence
3. technopotence
4. flawless indestructibility
5. infinite money
6. world peace
7. heal the world
8. successful lives for family and friends
9. infinity bag with infinite amount of everything and beyond (aka the creative mode bag)
Mostly an internal exosuit that granted me immortality, flight, infinite potential and limitless shapeshifting powers, as well as balance.
A powerful mask that grants me fictional physics, infinite potential, personal mastery
I’d Wish to be All Powerful over everyone and everything's existence, without any limit
My number one wish would be to become my ideal superpowered self.
My number two wish would be to have my ideal superpowered waifu.
A worry free life for my family, friends, church, and those I know, woth financial stability, and free from the burden of old age and disease. They can still die of old age, but would stay at the prime age , for I do not want them to suffer from loneliness of immortality.
All Omni, Absolute, and Meta abilities for myself
Ability to travel the Omniverse and if it does not exist, create all ficitonal verses adn add them to the Omniverse
Cure all types of cancer and get rid of all types of trafficking
End World Hunger
@TheDevil7777 I fully respect your wishes my man 👏👏👏. You have my full respect. Reading your comment almost brought me to tears.
1). I wish to have Metapotence and every single power
2). I wish for all of my friends in this wiki to gain Boundless Inner World so they can have their wishes fulfilled and be happy.
3). I wish to clean the whole world and for my family and friends to be very happy in their life, with money in schools etc.
4). I wish to have my favorite appearance, physics and body which is:
Just like Sasuke uchiha 4th war arc but more buff with abs like this:
with a red eye on my right and a blue eye on my left like this (without the tattoo on the face just the eyes):
With tattoos around the wrist that looks like chains like his:
With this tattoo on my right arm bicep:
With chain earrings that look like this (on the left ear, i would have multiple like Zoro's earrings style and only 1 pig chain earring on the right):
And meliodas' tattoo on my left arm:
With natural handsomeness.
I think thats all for my wishes. I would continue to do things using Metapotence and other abilities.
What do you think?