I love the idea of being a Lovecraftian Deity from beyond the boundaries of this universe ,a reality breaking incomprehensible unknowable alien god that defies what we understand about the universe . The fact that there's a whole Pantheon of these beings is impressive but what's even more interesting is the fact that their very presence causes an overwhelming madness upon those near them . They could destroy whole civilizations just by accident and wouldn't even notice . The Great Old Ones are superior to the three dimensional civilization that is humanity but even they are dwarfed in power by the Outer Gods who are to the Great Old Ones as they are to humans . The Outer Gods are responsible for not just the creation of this universe but countless others . The applications for this power is insane and just plain OP .
I like the idea of being my own creator and creation at the same time.
Besides this power gives me autopotence and indeterminacy so that plus.
Oh shit I forgot about causa sui!
Yeah scratch my answers imma go with Causa Sui all day
I love the fuck all them bullshit warpings and catch these hands attitude berserkers have plus I get supernatural body
What do you think?