117 Votes in Poll
@AzQth Which power did you choose?
Ok, so in my mind, Pathifery and Unconscious Warping are too uncontrolled for me to actually consider them - I don't want to accidentally doom the world because I got angry or wasn't feeling good one day.
Thought Warping and Imaginative Warping are similarly off the table, primarily due to intrusive thoughts (which generally come paired with imagining the subject of the thought). It would be all too easy to hurt myself or others because I had an intrusive thought and reality altered to make it happen.
Volifery is better in this regard - it doesn't do anything unless I want the thing in question. The issue comes with the fact that not all desires should really be realised. It is entirely possible - common, even - to have desires and wants that you would never actually act upon, but if Volifery alters reality to make them happen, you might not have much of a choice.
This leaves Mentifery. Mentifery includes all of these, as they are all based on aspects of the mind, but also goes further. Will/willpower is an aspect of the mind, and as such plays a role in manipulating reality. This means that it would entirely be possible to counteract all of the above mentioned effects via application of sufficient willpower, and even the chance to regulate the effects like that are sufficient for me to choose this over the others. Now, it's definitely likely that sufficient willpower could also counteract undesirable warping of reality in the others, but it would be more about suppressing wants, thoughts, imagination, etc, that would cause undesirable warping. On the other hand, since willpower is a part of the mind, it can play a more direct role in preventing it with Mentifery.
@Sodium Nitrate Phosphorus How would you ascribe tht ine simulates audio data and the other simulates visual?
@AzQth Nice and detailed answer. I find it more fun to distort reality with desires. I chose Volifery.
@Fallen221 When you think, you produce auditory data. Thoughts consist of auditory data. When you imagining, you produce visual data. Imaginations consist of visual data.
Thinking and imagination are generally defined according to their intended use. You will find these definitions when you search on the internet.
But I'm not talking about their usage, but their structure.
@Sodium Nitrate Phosphorus People think in occordance with their Senses, So your Implication that one is Auditory Data and the other is visual is far off the margin, The sensory region for thinking is dependent on what is the reason for thinking not just general state of thought. In other words, the nature of the task and the reason for the thought will determine the nature of how the thought will be composed and which sensory regions will be involved.
Here are articles to further understand:
An Experiment:
So as I mentioned before in the general sense they are the same.
Mentifery for me
Most of these powers are applications of mentifery. and the others are pretty much useless
I'll take mentifery to get supernatural body and supernatural longevity and maybe fire manipulation but then I get rid of mentifery using mentifery
Of your adding Mentifery it’ll be natural choice, if you remove it maybe the voting would’ve voted for something else
What do you think?