"" for character speech, ** for character action, () for speaking out of RP, [] for texting/writing, etc.
New York.. known for plenty of things.. but most recently a large surge of Aetherborn, whether they be evil or good. They exist, and as long as theres two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead.
This Roleplay takes place in the Shwing Extended Multiverse! More specifically the "Aetherverse" or "Earth 12-A)
In the Year 1999, A event named The Dawn of Daybreak (TDoDb) occurred, causing all technology to stop working and be outlawed, this lead to firearms being laid down, and in some cases.. wars were fought with swords and shields once again.
A group in 2000 forms, named "Last Train Home Corporation", founded by Tulip Dowde, a terminally ill 15 year old who creates new technology using etheral particles, for all intents and purposes.. this is "magic",
2005, it is discovered Ethereal Particles are actually called "Sunrise Particles", and come from a different realm, this is discovered by Akira Amimiya, a 21-year-old scientist.
2010, All technology pre TDoDb is renamed "Black Technology", during this time Professor Amimiya discovers more uses for Sunrise Particles (SP), including manipulatiing prexisting particles of our universe, allowing individuals to create electricity and fire via their hands,
2011, Last Train Home decides to outlaw the use of SP for hostile reasons via a vaccine given out globally, this limits what the average human can do with SP, essentially only giving them the basic functions of a phone
2027, SP Technology advances to the point to create new technologies, including airships the size of small countries. guns are remade and reintroduced to the world however some still prefer swords and melee weapons.
2037, Tulip Dowde requests Akira Amimiya to find a way to ensure both of them survive, as Akira is diagnosed with the same affliction as Tulip
2038, Development begins on technology to enter the native realm of SP, this realm is given the name "The New World",
2039, Tulip Dowde becomes non-verbal and is put on life support, in the same year Akira discovers new particles, she names "Tulip Particles"
2040, Akira becomes non-verbal and begins the final stages of entering The New World,2041 Akira is the first person to ever enter The New World, of which she discovers it is the realm of all knowledge and finds new particles, most importantly she finds a modified form of Sunrise Particles that fused with Tulip Particles, this creates a rare phenomena that either instantly kills somebody who is injected with it, or cures them of all afflictions
2042, Akira returns from The New World, to find Tulip has died, Akira injects herself with the modified particles, and dies.
2050, The U.S Goverment tries to colonize The New World, they fail.
2056, A mysterious figure known as "The Angel" comes from The New World, to ours.
2057, The Angel nukes a majority of the African continent single-handedly, This is known as "The Void Sun Event"
2058, The Angel declares itself the new ruler of Earth, it is met with little resistance
2070, New particles from The New World enter, unknown to mankind at the time.
2071, The Angel is defeated by The U.S President by dropping an airship on it, it returns to The New World never to be seen again
2072, U.S President Gregory Texas dies via natural causes
2122, The US Goverment and LTHC band together to create a new vaccine to stop people from entering The New World, it is deployed worldwide
2155, Most world goverments and such are rebuilt after The Void Sun, however Africa is now completely lawless with no countries, and still has residual New World Particles floating around it.
2162, The United Kingdom gives full independancy to Ireland.
2170, Refugees from The New World enter Earth, seeking to run away from the bloodshed of their homeworld
2177, Knowledge from individuals from The New World are given to The United Nations, the area Akira entered which was uninhabitable by natives of The New World is dubbed by the U.N to "Fox's Paw"2183, The UN passes laws that allow discrimnation against New World Natives.
2185, Black Technology is reintroduced in Africa due to there now being no laws there.
2186, New World Natives and offsprings are sent back to The New World, A human comes out from The New World, naming themself "The Crow", they give a cure for the condition Akira and Tulip were suffering from, The Crow informs The UN that all New World beings have died, it is now a desolate wasteland filled with information and knowledge, and promptly leaves back to The New World
January - The Crow's likeness is carved into a mountian
Febuary - The first case of a new disease is found, showing no symptoms, it is named "Aetherfall"
March - The United Bureau of New World Threats is created, it's offices are made in Brooklyn, where The Crow originally appeared, and is working in collaboration with LTHC
April - The first death from Aetherfall is recorded, as is it's first symptom, it halfs the lifespan of somebody infected
May - An autopsy is conducted on a Aetherfall subject, it is discovered it augments certian parts of the body and essentially creates a "new race" of artificial humans
June - A group of people diagnosed with Aetherfall declare themself a new race, they are named "Aetherborn"
July - An Aetherborn displays extremely enhanced human physiology, and is hired by the the Bureau of New World Threats, This individual is the first Aetherborn to have supernatural abilities.
August - More Aetherborn start appearing, most of which were once humans, they are discriminated against.
September - A school for teenage Aetherborn are made to help harness their abilities
October - It is discovered "The Angel" most likely was Aetherborn, as well as "The Crow"
November - Some Aetherborn take on a "superhero" role while others take on a "villian" role in society.December - Aetherborn cases begin to stagnate, however Aetherborn are still on the Bureau of New World Threats Watchlist
January - Slurs are made for Aetherborn
Febuary - Tokyo has the most Aetherborn cases
March - LTHC creates Anti-Aetherborn Weaponry
June - The school founded in September is named "GT High" after the president who took our "The Angel"
July - (roleplay takes place, will update accordingly
@Glacieo @WhoswhoIsItYou? @LardWad420 @GoofyAhhRedhead @Marky Johnson @Jacquese Walker @NineSix96 @Color Fixer Argalia @Rizzuku @Abdalla1234