Here's another day to "Sharing my OCs" series!
Comment, give an opinion, a recommendation, a question, etc!
Please, don't steal my OCs.
As in sometime I always edit or change something, this kind of posts may be outdated in some days.
Today's character(s) is Uranus.
"Everyone, at some point, already felt incapable, isn't it? Already felt that they couldn't do a certain thing. I was like that as well. B-but, he showed me the light! He thought me that I am way more than just a human!"
Victoria Martinez, also known as Uranus, is one of Pontrax's heralds, being known for her strict moral code and also her vast power.
Name: Victoria Martinez
Alias: Uranus; Loyal Servant; The Girl Who Saw Everything
Gender: Female
Species: Superhuman (mutate - hyper)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: 29 years old
Birthday: October 09th
Height: 1m71cm
Weight: 62kg
Birthplace: La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Affiliation: Pontrax (master)
Occupation: Herald of Pontrax
Family: Pontrax (master/adoptive father); Heralds (foster siblings)
Base of Operation: Alveare-75b (personal planet)
Power-Level: At least 3-C, Variable with Power Replication
Victoria is a female human adult of average height and weight, having a white skin, a short light lilac hair fading into purple at the tips (as a result of Pontrax's power bestowal, which before that was black), and starry purple eyes (formerly blue).
Her most common clothing consists on a purple armor-like suit (that extends to the boots, that are on the same color, and that simulates a leotard) with large shoulder pads, that is covered by a great dark violet cloak with a hood that is also detailed by minor purple accents and little white stars. She also wears a black blindfold with some purple details (to hide her abilities, to them not being active all the time).
Victoria is an enigmatic and introspective individual, often preferring solitude and silence over social interactions. Her reserved nature and shyness contribute to her limited circle of friends and distant relationships with her colleagues, despite her undeniable strength surpassing theirs. The irony lies in the fact that she is potentially the most formidable herald of Pontrax, yet she harbors a deep fear of her own power.
Driven by her past experiences, Victoria holds unwavering loyalty towards Pontrax, recognizing the unique opportunity he granted her that no one else in history would dare to provide. This unwavering loyalty also makes her somewhat naive and susceptible to manipulation by others. However, if she discovers that someone is taking advantage of her for their personal gain, she becomes disheartened and resolute in her decision to never trust that individual again.
Beneath her initial appearance, Victoria possesses unexpected competence and prowess, particularly in combat situations where her quick reactions have earned her the reputation as the herald with the sharpest reflexes. Despite her often stoic facade, she is an empathetic soul, capable of genuine compassion and understanding towards others, making her the most benevolent of the heralds.
Ultimately, Victoria adheres to her own personal code of ethics. While she remains dedicated to following the directives of her master, she also exercises independent judgment in discerning what she believes to be morally right, regardless of popular opinion or the expectations of others.
Powers and Abilities
Superhuman Physiology: Victoria's transformation into a superhuman being occurred through a combination of Pontrax's power bestowal and groundbreaking scientific experiments. Remarkably, she stands as the sole human among the heralds of this cosmic entity. Her unique abilities include the unparalleled power of flawless replication, allowing her to mirror the powers of others and even enhance them with additional capabilities.
Superhuman Strength: Victoria possesses physiscal strength that ranks among the highest in the universe. Her physical power is unparalleled, allowing her to perform feats of incredible might. She can effortlessly lift and manipulate objects of colossal size and weight, from shifting celestial bodies to toppling skyscrapers with a mere touch. In battle, her punches and strikes carry devastating force, capable of shattering mountains and rending space itself. This immense strength grants her a fearsome advantage in combat and enables her to confront even the most formidable opponents head-on.
Superhuman Speed: Victoria's speed transcends the boundaries of human perception. When in motion, she can traverse vast interstellar distances within mere moments, crossing the universe with unparalleled swiftness. Her movements are so rapid that they defy conventional understanding, rendering her an almost instantaneous force on any battlefield. This extraordinary speed grants her the ability to react to threats and travel across the cosmos at a pace that leaves all others in her wake.
Superhuman Reflexes: Victoria's reflexes are honed to a level that defies belief. Her reaction time is so astonishingly swift that it appears as if time itself has slowed down when she is in action.
Invulnerability: Victoria possesses a level of physical durability that makes her impervious to a wide range of threats. Her body is virtually indestructible, capable of withstanding the most devastating attacks without sustaining any significant harm. Bullets, energy blasts, and even planet-shattering forces are futile against her invulnerable form. This unparalleled durability ensures her survival in the face of the most extreme challenges, making her an indomitable force on the battlefield.
Superhuman Stamina: Her stamina is almost boundless, allowing her to engage in prolonged physical exertion without the burden of fatigue. She can maintain peak performance levels for extended periods, enduring relentless combat and undertaking arduous journeys across the universe without rest.
Superhuman Agility: Her agility grants her unparalleled grace and dexterity in her movements. She can effortlessly perform acrobatic feats that defy the laws of physics, leaping great distances and contorting her body with unparalleled finesse.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Victoria's healing factor is nothing short of miraculous. She can rapidly mend injuries, recovering from wounds that would be fatal to ordinary beings in a matter of moments. Her regenerative abilities extend to the regeneration of lost limbs and even the complete restoration of her body from near-destruction.
Enhanced Senses: In order to prevent sensory overload, Victoria consistently wears a blindfold, as her powers are primarily triggered through visual stimuli. However, this apparent limitation is more than compensated for by her heightened senses, particularly her acute hearing and smell. Her extraordinary sensory perception rivals that of those possessing extrasensory abilities.
Power Replication: Victoria's power replication is a multifaceted ability that grants her unprecedented control over the skills and abilities of those she encounters. When she replicates a power, she doesn't merely mimic it; she fully embodies it, becoming a master of that particular skill or ability. She attains these powers at an equivalent level to the original user, with the potential to surpass them depending on the source's potential. This means that if she replicates someone's ability to control fire, she can wield flames with the same proficiency as the original, or potentially surpass their skill. Her mastery extends to the understanding of the nuanced and intricate aspects of each power, ensuring she wields them with precision.
Ability Mastering: In perfect synergy with her power replication, Victoria possesses an innate talent for rapidly mastering the replicated abilities. Upon replication, she gains an intuitive and instinctual understanding of how to utilize these powers with finesse and expertise. Her learning curve is virtually nonexistent, allowing her to adapt to new powers seamlessly and wield them as though she had trained with them her entire life.
Ability Indexing: With each replication, Victoria encodes the acquired information within her mind, creating a meticulously indexed library of abilities. This mental database grants her instant access to the powers she has replicated, eliminating the need for continuous visualization or contact with the source. It's as if she carries a vast arsenal of powers within her thoughts, ready to be deployed at a moment's notice.
Skill Replication: Beyond replicating superhuman powers, Victoria's abilities extend to replicating combat styles, weapon proficiencies, and mental skills of other individuals. This comprehensive replication even encompasses strategies, tactics, and intellectual capabilities. She can adapt to any situation by mimicking not only the physical attributes but also the mental and strategic prowess of her adversaries, making her an unpredictable and adaptable combatant.
Tactile Telekinesis: As a safeguard from relying solely on replication, Pontrax granted Victoria the power of tactile telekinesis. This telekinetic field envelops her body, endowing her with near-invulnerability. Within this field, she can manipulate objects and energies, allowing her to control her surroundings with a mere touch. It provides an added layer of defense and utility, reinforcing her versatility in any encounter.
Flight: Victoria's flight capabilities, harnessed through her tactile telekinesis, are nothing short of extraordinary. She can soar through the skies with effortless grace, achieving incredible speeds. Her flight isn't limited to planetary boundaries; she can traverse interstellar distances within moments, making her virtually omnipresent across the cosmos.
Self-Sustenance: Victoria possesses self-sustenance, rendering her independent of external life support systems. She can exist and thrive in the harshest of environments, from the vacuum of space to the depths of hostile alien worlds.
Attraction & Repulsion: Despite lacking conventional telekinesis, Victoria's tactile telekinesis extends to the manipulation of matter and energy with a magnetic-like attraction or repulsion. This versatile power serves as both a formidable defense and a potent offensive tool. She can repel or draw objects and energies at will, shaping the battlefield to her advantage and rendering her opponents powerless in the face of her control.
Master Combatant: Victoria's mastery of combat transcends the boundaries of mortal comprehension. Her unique ability to flawlessly replicate combat skills ensures that she is a perpetual student of martial arts and warfare. She constantly expands her combat repertoire, integrating new techniques and strategies with unmatched precision. Whether she engages in hand-to-hand combat, wields weaponry, or employs esoteric fighting styles, she adapts and evolves her own fighting style, making her an unparalleled combatant in the vast expanse of the universe.
Calm State: In the heat of any crisis, Victoria maintains an extraordinary level of serenity and composure. Her unwavering calmness remains unshaken, regardless of the gravity or urgency of a situation. She possesses an uncanny ability to make sound decisions and execute calculated actions, even when faced with the most dire of circumstances. This unflinching resolve and level-headedness make her an unwavering pillar of strength in any conflict, instilling confidence in her allies and striking fear into the hearts of her adversaries.
Due to her main trigger of power replication being through the eye, she needs to constantly use a blindfold to not be overloaded with information. Because of that, it's possible that she cannot replicate other optical abilities (but, it isn't certain, as she never actually replicated these types of abilities).
Even though she can replicate more than 1 power, she can only use a power-set at time (so, she cannot, at the same time, use multiple powers that were copied from multiple people).
"It was taking a while to demonstrate your true power, wasn't it Neon?"
"Alright, I don't think that was supposed to happen. C'mon, Neon! You aren't considered the strongest herald by something like that, right?!"
"I know I'm like someone who has limitless potential, but... I really enjoy to be on my own."
Her favorite food is a great Argentinian barbecue.
She already stated that she is pansexual. But, at the moment, she didn't show any feelings towards someone yet.
She hates cartoons (for some reason).
Victoria is considered a really notable combatant, but she rarely demonstrate her capabilities.
She hates when something (or someone) related to Pontrax lost on something. Even though Pontrax, personally, don't mind when this kind of thing happens (where a herald loses a fight and all), Victoria will become really offended. To the point of, if Pontrax himself didn't stop the girl, Victoria would surely avenge her siblings.
Even though she is really naive, she hates being tested by others.
She became so attached with her new life, that she doesn't care about Earth anymore.
Even though that Victoria sleeps a lot, her eyes are always with a tired appearance.
Her blindfold is supernatural, as it is retractable and indestructible. And also slightly symbiotic, as no one can take it from her face without her own permission.
Victoria's favorite dessert is a decadent chocolate lava cake, with its rich, molten center.
She keeps a holographic journal that she updates daily with her experiences and reflections. It's a comprehensive record of her cosmic journey, filled with sketches, stories, and personal insights.
She possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of folklore and mythology, often recounting captivating tales to her fellow heralds during their downtime.
Despite her preference for a calm demeanor, Victoria is an avid heavy metal music fan.