I'm not gonna lie, I see a few good choices Danny Phantom, Dialga, Bumble Bee, Ultra Man (Japanese version not DC) but I'm having a hard time making out the rest. Can you give us a complete list before I give my final answer please
@Alex8784 Eh Actually It's Ultraman Nexus, and I have seen Ultraman Nexus like 30 times the episodes are great the fight scenes and the monsters are cool so are the mode changes
Still you have a good few choices. Danny Phantom is one of them because according to Omnitrix logic most Aliens grow stronger with age like 4 Arms and XLR8. Plus Danny after his trip to the future is stronger than his Dark Danny half already, so maybe if you're already 25 then you'll have all Danny's powers including DD but at DD level and control.
@Alex8784 True if you would create your own omnitrix which aliens and powers would you have they have to be your own decide quick about it please.
Alien X
Green Martian (Martian Manhunter Current DC continuity)
Kryptonian (Kal-El Current DC Continuity)
Galvan (Grey matter)
Galvanic Mechamorph (Upgrade)
Cerebrocrustacean (Brainstorm)
Chronosapien (Clockwork)
Conductoid (Feedback)
Orishan (Waterhazard)
I'd want an Omnitrix like The one from Omniverse but a few changes:
I'd want it to be red and black in color
I'd want it like the original Omnitrix after recalibration to have a holographic image of the Aliens instead of of 2d picture.
It's hack proof (We all seem what happens when it's not)
The call mode can work similar to Bluetooth with the user phone/ can also change phone in order to communicate with people outside of using a plumbers badge (Unlimited range since you could be calling someone from Earth from the other side of the galaxy and vice versa)
Command codes for the original Omnitrix and The Omnitrix from Omniverse are the same. But randomizer function must be activated by voice command
Comes with a GPS not only for locating new DNA samples but also if the user is in unfamiliar terrain such as a new country, planet or solar system Current maps of Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies (Since that's were most of the Omnitrix aliens come from not including Alien X)
Universal translator works even when not transformed as to allow for translation if Omnitrix is recharging, also instead of just speaking you can also read the alien language. All dialects including from user home planet. (In this case all languages on Earth)
Everything else about the The Omnitrix is the same as the one from Omniverse.
What do you think?