Which category did you choose to get two powers from, why did you choose the category you chose, and what powers did you get from the category?
I choose the Divine category, for it would give me to OP powers and the powers I chose were:
Monotheistic Deity Physiology (all capabilities/applications/variations of it and applications; deity version of all types of non-human entities from everywhere including the mimicries (since I have a small little issue with that category), and physiologies that were turned into something else; no limitations)
Anti-God Physiology (all capabilities/applications/variations of it and applications excluding Omninescience; deity version of all types of non-human entities from everywhere including the mimicries (since I have a small little issue with that category), and physiologies that were turned into something else; no limitations)
Lastly, what will you now do with your divine or elemental powers?
Reverse time back to 12 AM of the day that I first started kindergarten while also changing the past to where I always existed and making the human pregnancy/birth involving me on January 29, 1999 just an illusion.
Use the power of Apathy to make it so that I’m barely able to feel anxiety, concern, trouble or worries of any kind/Unable to feel emotional discomfort/Unable to feel fear/Unable to react at all to fear, intimidation, pain, surprise/Unable to feel pain/dampen my positive emotions/unable to feel physical attraction except to 1 specific person.
Until later, tone down the level of my beauty and cuteness to the same as my former past self.
Transcend my “Omnipotent” state on January 29,2012 into an ascendent state, evolve it right after into something beyond that right after, evolve it into something even further beyond, and have the process repeat forever.
Take & perfectly pass the national IQ test in the summer before the 1st grade and score a 10,100 iq score so that i begin working multiple particular Houston remote non-temporary/non-contract six-figure range based jobs Simultaneously.
Star to create high billionaire/low trillionaire range worthy inventions at some point after my IQ is documented
Officially get emancipated on May 10 2014.
Graduate from U of H for a real estate license on my last spring 2015 school day before spring break and from high school On my last school day of spring 2018. Then make my own real estate business on my last “high school” school day of spring 2015 before finals with me being the only employee and gain at least a total of $700 million (in both personal bk/business bk) by the time of 1 month 15 days after & quintuple the total profit each month 15 days that pass.
Make at some point my face look as if I’m a fusion of good looking woman characters from here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here/here, and other anime characters(with AB/AC)
Change the ending of this manga called the stand up guy by “Writer: Gao”
Starting at some point of my 6th grade school year, I’ll make my body believe it’s doing these exercises over a period of time with no setbacks: Bench press(With each side of the barbell having 50 tons and doing 10 reps each second that passes),Overhead press(With each side of the barbell having 50 tons and doing 10 reps each 10 reps each second that passes),Squat(With each side of the barbell having 50 tons and doing 10 reps each second that passes),Push-up(10 reps each second that passes),Bent-over row(With each side of the barbell having 50 tons and doing 10 reps each second that passes),Pull-down(With having 50 tons and doing 10 reps each second that passes), Treadmill(10 reps each second that passes), Bar Hanging(constantly) & Leg press(With having 50 tons and doing 10 reps each second that passes) all while wearing clothing that weighs 50 tons each so that my muscle mass equals the combined muscle mass in this picture around the middle of summer 2017
Have my eyes be like this from the beginning
Then become sith eyes during my sixth grade year
and then change to this
during my first seventh grade school year, but then turning back to normal before my second seventh grade school year starts
Have height gradually become 6’7” by the time of spring break 2018. Have my skin color become a mixture of violet,purple, maroon, magenta,blood red,crimson red,gold,rose gold, & hot pink by the time of spring break 2018. While at the same time, my ears will then become the same shape as Dark King Fuu’s ears but 0.7 inches wider and 0.7 inches longer than Dark King Mechikabura’s ears by the time of spring break 2018. While at the same time, have the texture of my hair to officially and fully turn to this
And every strand of hair from the corner of my eyes to the front of my face will go all the way down to the half point of my torso/all other hairs will go to the halfway point of my body by the time of spring break 2019. After officially graduating high school, my hair’s color will be this: Every hair from the middle section of my head to the front end is black and their endpoints are white and every hair from the middle section of my head to the back end is white and their endpoints are black.
Move into my dream living quarters located in River Oaks Houston that I personally built: Gray/brown/white on the outside and black/white/gray on the inside and is the combination of these mansions
including square footage. and will be known as the largest house/mansion at least until 2099. Plus each room is so large that with everything in there and 100 people who’s muscle mass equals to this picture
laid down on the floor in each room and fully spread their arms and legs, only 25% or less walking space of each room would be taken.