Supernatural Electromagnitism: Psiona and Mana
Before we get into the difference between Psychic and Magical Energies, we need to talk about electromagnetism and dimensional planes. In the universe, there is the Electromagnetism within the corporeal plane as well as all of the physical laws that we are familiar with.
The "lowerdimensional unparallel realities" within our temporal continuity (parallel unirealities) are known as bands, lesser universes, universal realms or (inaccurately) dimensions (like our observable universe). These dimensional universes are made of three existential planes, two of them have greater versions of the physical laws on the corporeal realm, we live on the Corporeal Plane which is filled with lower electromagnetic energies & the astral plane is filled with higher electromagnetic energies (astral energy) which may follow somewhat higher physical laws from what we are familiar with, but it’s still rooted in a form of reality.
Psiona is essentially the higher and lower electromagnetic energies generated by or channeled by the human mind. Psiona that’s generated by the brain through channeling lower electrical energy is referred to as Terrestrial Psiona and the psychic power generated by the Soul through channeling higher electromagnetic energies of the astral plane is referred to as Astral Psiona, Anima or Spiritual Energy.
Mana is the the higher and lower electromagnetic energies from different lesser universes (not alternate timelines) with different physical laws and properties from our own. Because it’s interdimensional energy channeled into our universe, the nature of the universe will reject it because it follows different physics from ours, natural forces within our universe will try to alter the energy so that it follows the same natural laws as ours. The process, however takes centuries maybe even millennia to complete, so its physics are somewhat fluid. This allows whoever uses the energy to gain the ability to physically and metaphysically manipulate the fabric of reality.
In conclusion, the difference between Psiona and Mana is that one is somewhat down to the natural laws of the universe, the other distorts the physics of reality.