This new series is based on my Your Favorite Power is Isakei'd/Superpower Theater and Power Systems' Failures. Unfortunately, it will probably replace Pokemon Typers for now.
Atwood Zyairlea woke in a white room with light blue circuitry sprinkled across the walls.
He was petrified because he couldn't remember how he got there before one of the walls opened up, and a being of energy flew in.
Energy Being: "Greetings, Mr. Zyairlea."
Atwood: "Who are you? Where am I?"
Energy Being: "I am going to level with you. You were randomly picked to become something called a Metier Modder. We infused information about a concept into your head. Then, we bombarded you with a special energy that manifests that knowledge into various physical forms in reality."
Atwood: "What?"
Energy Being: "Now, we are going to dump you back home to say your goodbyes."
Atwood: "What?"
Energy Being: "Because you will be forcibly sent to other universes, dimensions, and realities to be constantly put in your paces to see how your new powers will work in various different scenarios."
Atwood: What!"
Energy Being: "Your Com Wristlet will be your guide and will cause something to happen in the worlds you are in with its reality-altering technology to subject you to these scenarios. My colleagues will dictate the world you'll go to, the scenario, and your duration in that world."
Atwood: "WHAT!"
Energy Being: "Now off with you. I will transmit the tutorial on what your Chosen Metier can do when you get home. Farewell."
Atwood: "Wait! I cannot find this Com Wristlet thing."
Energy Being: It is on your ankle."
Atwood: "WHAT!"
Energy Being: "You were flailing around, and it got stuck there."
Atwood: "Can I just take it off?"
Energy Being: "No. It is attached to you and will detonate, erasing you in the process."
Atwood: "WHHHHAAAA...."
The Energy Being activated a portal and sent Atwood away.
To Be Continued in Ep. 2
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