Thanks. @Willc7897 @Reaper288 @Abdalla1234 And she’s also married and you guys can see the similarities between her daughter Azalea and her granddaughter Cloud.
Yup, they are similar
@2964artworld that whole story was awesome. And sad.
I think that she looks great for that description and her kid look so much like her.
Yep. The three have the exact same but different abilities as goddesses
@2964artworld yeah, look the same to me.
Beautiful ❤️
Thank you
@Abdalla1234 @Willc7897 @Reaper288
This what kind of goddesses are these girls
Mother Nature: Goddess of Nature
Azalea Ōkami: Goddess of Plant
Cloud Ōkami: Spirit of Nature
Makes sense. Cloud being the Spirit of Nature is why she's my favorite.
@Reaper288 I was going to put goddess with Cloud but… I don’t know
I like spirit. It also ties in her grandfather being spirit.
What do you think?