Armored Fleet Dairugger XV, also known as Kikō Kantai Dairugger XV, is a classic mecha anime series that aired in Japan from 1982 to 1983. The series features a team of 15 members who pilot individual vehicles that can combine to form the super robot Dairugger XV. The team is divided into three smaller teams: the Air Team, the Sea Team, and the Land Team, each responsible for piloting five of the vehicles¹.
Here's a brief moment featuring the characters you mentioned:
Aki Manabu (Jeff), as the leader of the Air Team, confidently commands Rugger 1, forming the head of Dairugger XV. His decisive actions during battles inspire his team.
Shinobu Kai (Rocky), with his sharp instincts, pilots Rugger 2. His vehicle becomes the upper torso of the mighty robot, a position that reflects his central role in the team's strategy.
Shota Kreuz (Wolo), the pilot of Rugger 3, showcases his skills as he maneuvers the vehicle that forms the right shoulder and bicep, demonstrating the strength of their unity.
Yasuo Mutsu (Chip) controls Rugger 4, which transforms into the left upper arm of Dairugger XV. His technical expertise ensures that the team's maneuvers are executed flawlessly.
Patty Ellington (Ginger), flying Rugger 5, completes the Air Team with her agility. Her vehicle forms the chest plate, protecting the heart of Dairugger XV.
Miranda Keats (Kirk)leads the Sea Team with determination, piloting the first vehicle of their division, which is crucial for the team's aquatic operations.
Haruka Kaga (Lisa), Saruta Katz (Tangor), Tatsuo Izumo (Shannon), Baros Karateya (Zandee), Walter Jack (Cliff), Moya Kirigas (Cinda), Mack Chalker (Modok), Tasuku Izu (Marvin), and Kazuto Nagato (Hutch)each play vital roles in their respective teams, showcasing their unique abilities as they come together to form the formidable Dairugger XV.
This unity and teamwork reflect the spirit of rugby, the sport from which the concept of the 15 separate Ruggers was derived