What is Guardian 22 -
Guardian 22 is the super robot composed of the machines of the 22 pilots, a giant superweapon made to protect the world from all kinds of threats.
Guardian 22 was created as a direct response to the first invasion of Hellbugs around 50 years ago. Its design was inspired by the Myth of The Guardian, the only remaining folk tale of a seemingly lost civilization. In it, Mother Nature came under attack by mysterious beasts, so she created creatures of all shapes and sizes to protect her from them, and gave these creatures the ability to unite their strength if need be.
Individual countries each funded their own Machine, modifying the official blueprint to include flourishes designed to not harm the function, and extra functions to provide more utility. After 4 long years of hard work, The Guardian was created, and the first set of 22 Pilots, Engineers, and Directors led the united forces of mankind to victory. Since then, The Guardian has served as a symbol of peace and a way to protect the world from future Hellbug invasions.
The 22 Machines
There are a total of 22 Machines, each forming a different component of the overall Guardian. Each bot is numbered, from 1-22. The overall team is divided into two Squads, Squad A and Squad B. Squad A is generally the upper body of the robot, and Squad B generally is the lower body.
Each of the Squads are further divided into Group C and Group D, each consisting of 5 members. Group C is the generally left side of the robot, group D is generally the right side of the robot. There is also a designated Squad Leader. The Squad Leader is not a part of Group C or D, but instead leads both.
The Squad Leader of Squad A serves double duty as Team Captain, the overall leader of the team.
Each Machine generally has 2 forms, one Vehicle and one Body Part. Machines 1 and 12 each have a third “animal” mode, which is an independent walker-like formation.
Here are the known pilots and their countries of origin:
Squad A
Machine #1 - Team Captain - Kyoya Masako - Japan - Head - @Mister Cerberustar
Squad A-C
Machine # 2 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 3 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 4 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 5 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 6 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Squad A-D
Machine # 7 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 8 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 9 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 10 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 11 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Squad B
Machine # 12 - Squad Captain - Name Here - Nation Here - Body
Part Here - Player Here
Squad B-C
Machine # 13 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 14 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 15 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 16 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 17 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Squad B-D
Machine # 18 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 19 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 20 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 21 - Name Here - Nation Here - Body Part Here - Player Here
Machine # 22 - Ijichi Hoshino - Japan - Chestpiece - @Mister Cerberustar
Character Sheet Prototype-
Role (Pilot, Mechanic, Director):
Team Affiliation:
Group Affiliation:
Country of Origin:
Description (Written and/or image):
Backstory (Optional):
Awakened Evolutions (superpowers):
Cybergear (Alien Magitech, 1 per person):
Fun Facts: