Name : Wind of silk that holding life.
Base form : katana with many green-red veins that reflect light and small ball grey silk on the lower side of handle.
Shikai :
Katana begin look like it made of silk with green and red lights that change each other in blade like yin-yan.
Grey ball of silk on handle disappear and whole handle change form to gray and begin look like dry old tree without bark and with cracks.
First Ability :tree that holds life.
Every touch of sword inject red energy that begin transmitate matter into red silk.
If sword touched living beings it induce explosive replication of blood in body of user or other living liquid that work as main life container In body of enemy.
Second ability: tree that have origin.
Every touch of sword induce rapid grow of life forms with rapid mutations.
If sword touch matter it gives energy to all bacteria that situated there to rapidly evolve and grow in quantity and variations
If sword touch living being it induces rapid grow of inner bacteria, hidden illness ,viruses and it's variations.
(Lite version of bioweapon).
Bankai : Cruel wind weaving life.
Form : katana turn to liquid and fuse with user .
Wind circle begin move around user , that circle have grey silk that move near land level around user like grey flow.
Many Mixed red-green silk threads begin grow from both hands of user they intuitively controlled by user and easy can form any type of image.
Clothes of shinigami turn into grey with green-red lines that copy blood system veins image.
First ability: life that flourish.
Every silk thread (green-red) now have combined powers of 1 and 2 shikai ability and it now have fatal effects.
If silk touch any matter it turn it into living matter that creates rapidly growing life that grow,mutate , and die. That power make area of mutated abominations ,,flora and fauna that quickly dies .
If silk touch living being it induces uncontrollable mutations , explosive replication of living liquid (blood).
Second ability : flood that defy life .
Every silk thread (green-red) now have ability to induce routing and decomposition, now it induces grow of all life forms that kill other life forms.
Viruses,bacteria now have real bio weapon goal and capabilities, even routing spiritual energy and spiritual matter.
Third ability : natural end.
That ability work similar as senbon Sakura zanpakuto from kuchiki captain.
Grey silk threads that move around user in wind flow circle, now begin. Attack enemy at user will . Grey threads is very numerous
Like wind flows and when they touching any matter it immediately turn into ash.
These grey thread have very small attack scale ( 1 millimeter) but same as senbon Sakura it work in quantity and also it much dangerous because it not cutting your enemy but pierce and turn place of touching into ash without any other bleeding or etc. just dust that everyone turn in the end.
Fourth ability: wind that spare life.
All absolutely all silk threads transform in white color . Clothes also pierced by white scheme of blood system .grey color become darker.
Now all threads can annihilate all life not just in place of touching but on whole string size.
If string touching non living matter it just turn it into white liquid that instantly evaporates with nothing left.
If string touches life it do same effect but living being begin turn to white liquid and almost at the same time evaporating.
It effect work very quickly and if enemy not cut it it's absolutely fatal.