Though Hell lies beneath the Earth, Hell also lies in the burgeoning soul. The decadence and sinful corruption seeps through all life; tied to the Gate of Hell within all souls. Once Death overtakes you, your soul may go through either the Gate of Hell or the Gate of Heaven......
There are those that can draw power from Hell, taking their Sins for themselves.
Of the Sins in this world, what shall break through your Gate of Hell?
"Sins" are multifarious and plentiful. The Seven Deadly Sins, the Eight Evil Thoughts, the Darkness that lies in the Hearts of many. Everyone has the potential to commit these..... So which does your affinity lie?
And what power aligns with it?
Basically how it works is; what Sin do you feel have more affinity to, and in alignment to the 'sin' what power other than the inducing of said sin in others would you have when activating your Gate of Hell. This power gained is basically what you desire most when you experience your sin. For example, someone with the Sin of Envy may get shape-shifting or being able to attract the attention of others as they are envious of others' appearance or popularity. Whereas another who aligns with Wrath and finds themselves indignant with how the justice system works and gains the power to 'perceive' the crimes of others and punish them themselves.
The Sin can be almost anything, but the power is dependent on the user's innate nature and how 'sinful' they are.