65 Votes in Poll
@Angelic Demon1
Let me know how that goes, actually. I can't decide between Ascended Demon and Judge Of Damned Soul/Gatekeeper Of Hell.
@Heartless Frost Yeah, I will. I actually think I know how to work it out.
I would be a power hunter, beat creatures in combat take a blood sample inject myself with the blood (possibly modifying the blood before hand) and get more powers.
Actually, after you hunt and kill demons, you end up permanently absorbing their demonic powers shortly before they die.
Ascended demon
I'll take the ascended demon thank you
"people often confuse me with one of those fallen, I'm not one of them, it's merely my job to be in hell so things don't go wrong"
Ascended Demon
Who’s the judge?
He is talking about the power https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Archetype:Judge_of_the_Dead
What do you think?