That’s hilarious
@Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O @Abdalla1234 @SuperPimp80 @LardWad420 @Neosaiyan7 @Jasonso9 @Keefdreewill @Cameron Washington @Prism Perfected form. @Temporal (Zen-El) @BlackSupergenius II
That's against the rules. Hilarious, but against the rules.
I can't tell due to the history of the page, not exactly a known expert for this but if the logs are read correctly, this would mean that someone added Caseoh over two years ago which is genuinely the funniest part of this
They didnt even spell his name right
Aint no way bruh, LOL!! XD
Checked the history, and it was this guy! XD
What do you think?