Would a person with Absolute Command and Eternal Soul become more dangerous if they have Meta Teleportation? Why or why not?
Would a person with Absolute Command and Eternal Soul become more dangerous if they have Meta Teleportation? Why or why not?
I think so.
But if I had to try to guess, I guess they could cause problems all over and teleport if there was an actual threat to them, if their body is destroyed they could teleport their soul somewhere else and heal it, they could teleport across realities and just give them all commands as they do so, they could move throughout an entire timeline giving commands throughout it etc.
They are already dangerous but I am pretty sure they become more dangerous. Either way, it's not like they become safer
Absolute command already dominates meta-teleportation, as in Absolute Command already has it built within itself. It's like having complete arsenal on an omnipotent scale and having sword proficiency, it's effectively the same thing as complete arsenal on an omnipotent scale and there would be no significant change
You can't add +1 to aleph-zero continually and expect to gain a cardinal number bigger than aleph-zero
It is an idempotent act, once you reach complete arsenal on an omnipotent scale you can't add any non-omnipotence derivative powers to gain a power stronger than complete arsenal on an omnipotent scale
@Qwertyjadhfalhwjdgawlaiwb How does Absolute Command have it "built within itself"? Sure, the user can just command themselves to be somewhere and they will, but Meta Teleportation grants them an alternative.
That's the point, the user can command themselves or reality to transport them to a desired location.
Having meta teleportation is nothing new
@Qwertyjadhfalhwjdgawlaiwb I suppose.
What do you think?