It is inappropriate
Simple word for me and fellow fans of Scooby-Doo Fandom. An absolute and total disgrace to many well-known versions of Velma and Scooby-Doo franchise as a whole. I consider adding Velma (Mindy K. Version) into Roster of Elevator of Wicked Trials along with Prime Minister Honest, Freed (DxD), Demiurge (Maruyama Overlord), Shigoku Kyou and other horrible scumbags within Jūjika no Rokunin verse
(Heck I'm already boiling blood and going berserk on my training dummy whilst my subordinates was scared shitless, after reading first chapters. Oooh I can't wait to see their confident smile took a turn when they're playing plethora of EoWT's minigames. But not until I decide to be friend to Uruma and hilariously foiled Shigoku Kyou's Plan from making Uruma's life horrendous, by sending Shadow Phantom as espionage and surveillance toward Kyou S. and his four lackeys on when their plans start and adding new objectives on get rid of my life. And when Kyou's plan starts in motion, in short, it'll fail pretty badly for these sadistic suckers. Also save the kitten, that adorable feline did not deserve such fate.)
Anyways beside the off-topic and random bickering on such, Mindy K's Velma should not be recognized for being "Classics" or "Masterpiece", though I appreciate other moment like Sheriff's car ramming the shit out of Mindy K's Velma, a very certified moment right there >:D I only watch clips though.
It's one of the Rules of the Internet:
Rule 0: Don't fuck with cats.
Rule 1: You don't talk about /b/.
Rule 2: You DON'T talk about /b/.
Rule 3: We are Anonymous.
Rule 4: We are legion.
Rule 5: We do not forgive, we do not forget.
Rule 6: Anonymous can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster.
Rule 7: Anonymous is still able to deliver.
Rule 8: There are no real rules about posting.
Rule 9: There are no real rules about moderation either — enjoy your ban.
Rule 10: /b/ is not your personal army.
Rule 11: No matter how much you love debating, keep in mind that no one on the internet debates. Instead they mock your intelligence as well as your parents.
Rule 12: Anything you say can and will be used against you.
Rule 13: Anything you say can and will be turned into something else.
Rule 14: Do not argue with trolls—it means they win.
Rule 15: The harder you try, the harder you will fail.
Rule 16: If you fail in epic proportions, it may just become a winning failure.
Rule 17: Every win fails eventually.
Rule 18: Everything that can be labelled can be hated.
Rule 19: The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.
Rule 20: Nothing is to be taken seriously.
Rules 21–24: Original content is original only for a few seconds before it's no longer original. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality. Every post is always a repost of a repost.
Rule 29: On the internet men are men, women are also men, and kids are undercover FBI agents.
Rule 30: Girls do not exist on the internet.
Rule 31: Tits or GTFO—the choice is yours.
Rule 32: You must have pictures to prove your statements/Anything can be explained with a picture.
Rule 33: Lurk more—it's never enough.
Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions.
Rule 35: If there is no porn of it, porn will be made of it.
Rule 36: No matter how fucked up it is, there is always worse than what you just saw.
Rule 37: You cannot divide by zero (just because the calculator says so).
Rule 38: No real limits of any kind apply here—not even the sky.
Rule 41: Desu isn't funny. Seriously guys. It's worse than Chuck Norris jokes.note
Rule 42: Nothing Is Sacred.
Rule 43: The more beautiful and pure a thing is—the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.
Rule 44: If it exists, there is a version of it for your fandom... and it has a wiki and possibly a tabletop version with a theme song performed by a Vocaloid.
Rule 45: When one sees a lion, one must get in the car.
Rule 46: The internet is SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS.
Rule 47: The pool is always closed.
Rule 48: The only good hentai is Yuri, that's how the internet works. Only exception may be Vanilla. note
Rule 49: No matter what it is, it is somebody's fetish.
Rule 50: A Crossover, no matter how improbable, will eventually happen in Fan Art, Fan Fiction, or official release material, often through fanfiction of it.
Rule 61: Chuck Norris is the exception, no exceptions.
Rule 62: It has been cracked and pirated. You can find anything if you look long enough.
Rule 63: For every given male character, there is a female version of that character (and vice-versa). And there is always porn of that character.
Rule 64: If it exists, it has “LOOOOORRRREE!”
Rule 65: If it doesn't, there will be.
Rule 66: The longer the LORE around something is, the weirder it gets.
Rule 67: If it has lore, it also has lore from alternate timelines, especially if the main lore is copyrighted by a big power hungry corporation.
Rule 67/2: 90% of fanfiction is the stuff of nightmares.
Rule 68: Everything has a fandom, everything.
Rule 69: Nice!
Rule 70: Do not talk about the 100M GET failure.
Rule 72: If a song exists, there's a Megalovania version of it.
Rule 77: The Internet makes you stupid.
Rule 78: If something is popular, there's brainrot of it, if there's none, it's coming soon
@Mischief Multiverse Discovery Another good part on Velma is Scrappy-Doo killing her.
@Zenotorphis d-d-damn!
It's official, Velma is worse than Gojo.
It goes without saying
Ya, but to me, Gojo is the absolute worst thing about JJK, so for me to say something is worst than him. Means my hatred for it, is absolute.
Absolute Disgrace
Edit: Someone should make that a power... 🤔
What do you think?