•Talent Name: Vibrokinetic Exoskeleton
•Talent Types: Hide/State*
•Talent Description: A rather peculiar talent, as it's main ability revolves around encasing the user in a hide. This hide has the unique ability to manipulate the user's personal vibrations, making for a highly destructive talent. But the other unique thing about the talent refers to the different states (modes) the user can enter, with each mode having it's own unique properties and abilities. The ability comes in three different modes, which the user can switch between instantly, these modes being: Attack Mode, which focuses on offense and destructive output, Speed Mode, which allows for great Speed and mobility, and Defense Mode, which is considered invincible. Each mode uses the vibrations of the hide in different ways, while still adding new capabilities.
Attack Mode: This mode allows for immense offensive capabilities, with it also having a decent amount of both speed and defense. This mode allows the user to use their vibrations in various offense ways, such as blasting beams of vibrokinetic energy, causing earthquakes, sending out shockwaves. This mode also allows the user manipulate not only their own vibrations, but the vibrations of anything they come in contact with, resulting in powerful attacks. Another unique ability of this mode, is the ability manipulate the hide, as the user can extend their hide to other objects and people, the user can even make constructs of their hide, which they can channel their vibrations through, which allows for long-range combat. This mode has immense potential for destruction. This mode also adds great sums of physical strength, with this strength only becoming stronger with the added vibrations.
Speed Mode: A haste-type talent, that greatly increases the user’s speed and mobility, allowing for fast movement. This mode is a glass cannon, as it has immense damage output, but terrible defensive capabilities. This mode works by using vibrations to increase the user's speed, with user being able to move at the speed of sound and beyond. The hide becomes more lightweight as well, to accommodate the speed, hence the terrible defenses, but the hide now also allows the user to grow different weapons from the hide. Making protrusions, such as spikes and claws, or even turning the user's arms and legs into bladed weapons. The user can even shot out quills/spikes which the hide generates. The hide does provide one defensive capability in the form of growing spikes all along the body, (similar to Quill) which makes the user almost untouchable, as most physical attacks will get caught on the spikes. But the strongest ability this mode has is Kinetic Charge, a unique ability, that allows the user to accumulate kinetic energy, this stored up energy can then be converted into vibrations, which when running at full speed at an opponent can be devastating. Releasing a large shockwave on impact.
Defense Mode: A hide that makes the user nearly invincible, as not only does the user already have increased durability, but the way in which the vibrations are used, makes for the user indestructible. The hide allows the user to constantly vibrate their body, the speed of which can be manipulated by the user, any impact that the user comes in contact, the vibrations will cancel out, as the user will still feel pain of the impact, but the attack itself will be negated. This mode makes the user immovable, as the vibrations can cancel out any momentum/force the impact had. This mode can also attack using counter vibrations, as any impact that comes in contact with the user can also be redirected and even increased, even elemental attacks are futile, as the user can disperse them. This mode has the unique ability of regeneration and self-healing, this ability is only used when facing opponents that bypass the mode's vibrations. The regenerative capabilities are quite advanced, as limbs, organs, and even entire sections of the body can be regenerated. But this mode has little mobility, as the user can't even move normal, rather they have to rely on their opponent to strike them and use the vibration of said strike to maneuver. But this mode is also the heaviest, as it has added weight and mass, which allows the user to tank through hits effortlessly.