It's random, but any of them would be useful, enough to kill 100 people in a minute no matter who they are and what skills and experience they have, and would be considered as hax with unique variety and benefit to do a specific thing that could be basic or simple, even though the power in detail can be (over)complicated and confusing in nature. Cannot be as equal or beyond comparable to a nuke or any city and country level, and the minimum level of power can be enough to destroy a building, road, or streets. The Haxes abilities cannot break reality, affect conceptually, or be a paradox to logic. You might gain time stop, but it will have restrictions to be fair and prevent a permanent stop to the universe. But any of these powers can help you access your full potential, bringing out your creativity and imagination, while you also could get boring ones, only has one function and purpose, limiting your options to one, never able to do more with it. But you will have a 10/1000 chance to have a power that will allow your egotistical narcissist behaviour to be most powerful among any other power you could've gotten.